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Nippon Shock Magazine 17

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As you can see, this is an Italian publication about Japanese entertainment, which has recently been released:
	h-kazu on nitter
There doesn't seem to be a huge amount given over to Star Fleet in the publication, but I think I'll see about getting it to see if there's anything else:
2024.07.05 209 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Purple Milk

I felt for a while that the available free styles for PHPBB tend not to show the software in its best possible light.  
I slapped on something from PlanetStyles, which was very reasonable, considering how big a step forward it is.
You can configure a lot about it just by clicking around, rather than having to mess on endlessly, tweaking values in stylesheets.

I haven't set this as default away from Prolight until I get some user feedback, but you can select it under the user control panel in the forum.
2024.07.01 207 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Tony Leach - PPA Update

Tony Leach has a new update about his PPA replica, which is coming along real nicely.

The SFXB forum has been patched up to the latest release.
2024.06.30 216 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Unbox Blind-box Dai-X

Well, that seller on yahoo Japan auctions might've tried to stiff me out of my blind-box Dai-X by deleting the auction, but I managed to find another on ebay: this time in New Jersey.
The .co.uk ebay portal doesn't always show items from the US, even when it is showing international items, but the .com portal does.

This way, my one with the yellow mask (which seems to be rarer now) has a buddy.

2024.06.28 296 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

TNT - Dai-X

I found an ebay seller called TNT, which was essentially an online toy and art store.
This painting was done by them, based on the recent Moderoid model kit:

Sadly, ebay only provided it as a webp format image.
2024.06.26 195 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Showa Sketchbook Blue 1 Re-done

When I put the new sketchbook into storage and compared it with my older ones, I noticed that the scan from 2017 of the first big sketchbook that I got, wasn't the right aspect ratio and that the top and bottom had been trimmed.
I re-scanned it with four passes and ran a photomerge so that you get the whole image.

The filesize of the original one is quite a bit higher, despite it being a smaller image.
The new scans are saved at the same quality level (10) that the original one would have been, so I take the difference in filesize to be down to a better compression algorithm in the newer photoshop.
2024.06.24 186 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Showa Sketchbook Blue 2

I finally got around to scanning the sketchbook that I got months ago.
Its dimensions are exactly the same as the first blue one that I found in 2017.

The cover image on this second one might not be quite as exciting.
They both have a similar theme: X-Bomber flying towards the camera and the Dai-X behind it on the right.
The first one has quite a few cast members shown at the lower-left (including General Kyle, but oddly not Dr Benn).
In the second one, we have only Shiro, manning one of the turret guns.

I've uploaded a number of scan variants to the Showa Sketchbooks folder.
2024.06.23 163 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Unbox Blind-box Dai-X

I remember these being released quite a while ago: a few years after the big Dai-X that UNBOX did.
I have the one with the yellow mask but the colours on this one are a bit different all-round.
I was on-track to win this on FromJapan but the auction got deleted. Lame
2024.06.21 178 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.


It'd been a while since I'd seen anything Star Fleet-related from YmiscY but I found over nitter 4 images that have been re-done with much darker colouration than before and come out quite striking.

These have been added to the YmiscY folder, for safe keeping.
Incidentally, nitter was supposed to stop working in February when twitter removed 'guest accounts' from their service, that were used by old, unsupported versions of the android twitter app to display content in the app prior to user login.
This functionality allowed nitter to pull content from the service and serve it up anonymously.

I found one instance of nitter (as above) that still works, although it's not altogether clear how, but it's very handy for people to be able to view Star Fleet content on there, without them needing to have a login. 
I've been watching a lot of Babylon 5 lately. I suppose "faith manages".
2024.06.19 152 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Simanto50100 Moderoid Dai-X Build

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I found this project of building and painting a Moderoid Dai-X model on nitter.
These photos illustrate the long series of steps involved.  They also show the flourescent yellow paint that was used for the eyes.
It gives it a green glow in the photographs.  I think I might even prefer that to the yellow.  Perhaps they upgrade the sensors/lasers in the eyes after the events of the show.
2024.06.12 165 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.


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