X-Bomber the GameIntroduction »Welcome to the home of X-Bomber the Game: a vertical-scrolling spaceshooter for Windows, based on the Japanese sci-fi TV series: Star Fleet
It features lots of arcade action, weapons and explosions.
News » Done
- Fixed a little glitch in Wingblade's missile system
In Progress
- Improve tank <-> turret matching logic - Complete
applying to assault tractors ...
- Improving deathball code ...
- Megacarriers
Implement green variant
Re-instate neutralaser weapon
Match deployed fighters to carrier
- L16 Boss - Death-X Transforming Type
Progress animations and weapons
- Various escape pod types with rotation

Player Ships
- Dynamic adjustment to Braincom sprite scaling during Dai-X junction to accommodate 25% downscale of sprite.
- Dai-X fighter missiles reinstated as actual missiles, rather than homing lasers
- Dai-X fighter 'boosters', based on Blitzkrieg Dai-X
(Collect white boost power-up).
- Further improvements to Dai-X system
- Engine alpha channel for all player ships
- Wingblade mode change animations improved
- Fixed a few glitches with The Skull
Player Weapons
- Dai-X black hole ripper improved:
Shoulder turrets on launchers both work correctly.
Long-press fires 2 (Z) to fire black hole bomb, (if equipped).
Automatically selects pulse guns after firing via selected mode
- Special weapon overlay for X-Bomber weapons:
ADEN cannons, EM napalm, Gunboys
- Dai-X booster sprite and logic improved
- Booster docking and animation logic improved
- Guided weapon logic accommodates enemies with outlying hot spots.
- Minor delay applied to scalar mass driver (stage 2 and 3) reloading, automatic fire cycle added
- Gunboys' firing logic and animations improved
- Dai-X fighter special weapons toned down, upgrade power-ups made more effective
- Hotspots fixed on enemy Astrowing fighter
- Improvements to order of operations when enemies destroyed
- Head added to L14 boss Death-X
- L7 - Boss weapon logic improved
- L9 - Improvements to sea environment
- L8 and 9 - Gradients to blend background changes
- L11 - background textures and underwater particles improved
- L15 - Countdown loops correctly after time limit reached
- L16 - Grey attack cruiser variant logic
- Guest enemy system: spawn rates and randomisation tweaked
- Darkness/opacity of shadows reduced
- Initial health boost for enemy missiles, to inhibit chain-destroy on launch.
- Warning/timer ring animation improved
- Weird glitch in guest enemy system fixed
- HUD indicates airstrike, F-01 and reserve player ship statuses.
- Secondary weapon ammo counter correct colour for 'original' Dai-X and fighters  On one of our recent travels, the hotel had a great on-demand children's TV service that had some good shows like Ninjago.
Another show: Slugterra, didn't want to stream properly, so I downloaded it when I got back and it's a really fun series.
I'm not sure how great it is for children because it's a lot less cerebral than the studio's later show: The Deep, but there's never a dull moment in it.
It's a western-style show about a group of young gunslingers, who ride their robot animals through a bright, colourful underground world of giant caverns.
All the weapons work by firing colourful little creatures called slugs - each with different capabilities - that can be guided and combined in different ways, once fired.
The show has one speed, which is: flat-out, and everything in the show looks terrific: the characters, environments, weapons. The style of presentation is great.
I found that the easiest way to watch it was on their own youtube channel. I spotted an interesting find on the windowsphone reddit, which is surprisingly active for an OS that died, in effect, even before Microsoft unsupported it in 2019:
Nokia Design Archive | Aalto University I see that Scott Host: the programmer for Raptor, (which was a major inspiration for X-Bomber the Game) is working away on a new and re-worked version of Demonstar.
I am very eager to see it.
Those games were really well coded and had terrific art direction, which is what, I think, made them so inspirational.  I wanted to thank Dan from Star Fleet Facebook for sending me some great new images lately from Gary Cass' work on The Skull and Antony Leach's work on the life-size PPA.  Another great write-up: full of interesting observations, of a fun and memorable episode.  I was doing a bit of 'research' on the Dekander Dai-X figure, whose 5-tube missile launchers Legtrax's legs are the basis for Legtrax's booster weapon in the game, since the Blitzkrieg Dai-X reproduces Legtrax quite faithfully, without any add-ons and weapons that don't appear in the show.
From the Shogun Warriors article linked above, I learned that the Dekander Dai-X figure has inherited those rocket launchers, and its drill-like sword from this aerodynamic Daikengo robot from the same company. 
Player Ships
- Wingblade player ship improved in many areas
- X-Bomber Prototype turrets fire yellow tracers, rather than blue.
- X-Bomber neck lasers improved
- L16 reactor progressed
Player Weapons
- Dai-X quantum blaster - unselected/beam mode re-worked
- Dai-X pulse gun shots travel faster.
- Dai-X arc sabre weapon:
creates damage particles on target enemies
consumes ammunition when no enemy present
- Improvements to Dai-X junction and control mapping systems
- Improvements to shield and damage indication systems
- Hit boxes reshaped on Dai-X fighters
- Bug fixed that occurs when a Dai-X fighter is destroyed
- Pulse guns selected by default when returning to X-Bomber from Dai-X
Graphics and General
- Enemy lightning weapon collision effect logic and appearance improved
- Alpha channel added to power-up sprites
- Pause button moved to pause/break key
- Main menu colour change option - (WIP)
- Flashing cursor added to high score menu, to make the name input field more apparent. You might perhaps have noticed a few small changes here and there around the site.
After so many years, there are a lot of things about the site that are in the state that they need to be kept in.
At the same time, there are a lot of improvements that the site could still really do with.
The news system, including its navigation has been improved a bit.
Among other things, some new queries were written to allow hopping between articles without needing to go back to the article list.
Behind the scenes, X-Bomber the Game is moving forward a fair bit.
The end-of-game reactor is coming along well. All the bits that I anticipated to be a bit tricky are now finished and the remaining finishing touches and attacks should be more straightforward.
At the same time, I found a way around the odd polling that the Fusion runtime has for the pause/break key, which meant that the game wouldn't pause reliably when pressing pause/break.
It's quite a round-about fix but it works well.
I'm going to pull out of my to-do list what items will be worked on in v0.84l.
Hopefully, v0.84k will be ready before long.

- Highest
- v0.84k
- Newest
- v0.84m
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