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X-Bomber the Game

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Welcome to the home of X-Bomber the Game: a vertical-scrolling spaceshooter for Windows, based on the Japanese sci-fi TV series: Star Fleet

It features lots of arcade action, weapons and explosions.

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X Blogger - Farewell, The Eternal Battleground

These updates were posted in July, but I neglected to mention it on the site, sorry about that.
I just had a proper read-through of the current write-up and was as impressed as always. - Really good screen captures

Episode 11: Farewell the Eternal Battleground
	Part 1 | Part 2
5 0 comments  › Start a forum discussion. 2024.09.17 

Big Dai-X

When the domain for Shane Perry's Big Dai-X website ran out in 2013, I figured that the best thing was to merge the content into xbomber.co.uk, since there'd been an idea for quite some time in the Star Fleet fan community to amalgamate Star Fleet sites together (when there were more of them).

After doing quite a bit of online archaeology with the help of the wayback machine, as part of my article on the SFXB forum and its history, I feel that this probably wasn't the best decision.

I have a backup file, which has now been re-instated and put on the server.
Big Dai-X was well-designed, so all the links still work, even though the absolute URL has changed.

There are a lot of changes going on around xbomber.co.uk, although the activity is a little unfocussed.
I have been working on the game itself last night, and will be turning my attention back to it later today.
4 0 comments  › Start a forum discussion. 2024.09.17 

The Deep

While we were on our recent travels, we put CBBC on for an hour in one of the hotels, for our daughter.
The programming on CBBC is generally very poor in my view, but, this time, we came across The Deep, which is an Australian CGI underwater exploration and adventure show that ran for 4 seasons between 2015 and 2022.

The show is a Lost in Space/Swiss Family Robinson-style show, but with a beautiful and advanced submarine and support vehicles, which they use for marine conservation and adventuring.
Anyone that has a liking for Stingray, SeaQuest; or could use an optimistic, hard sci-fi/fantasy adventure will probably find a lot to like here.

The website for the show is still available and contains some nice games and activities for children.
Meanwhile, the show can be watched (or downloaded) from youtube.
The third season seems to be hidden there, but it can be found on dailymotion, albeit not in 1080p resolution.
5 0 comments  › Start a forum discussion. 2024.09.15 

Star Fleet Facebook Group Milestone

I'm given to understand that Dan's SFFB has reached 1,250 users, which is an excellent achievement.
It's remarkable to keep growing a group about a TV show that's well-over 40 years old, and hasn't been aired in almost as long.
9 0 comments  › Start a forum discussion. 2024.09.13 

Gary Cass - The Skull

Folder preview

With having been travelling around for the last 2 weeks, there's been no X-Bomber or Star Fleet news.
Many thanks to Dan Hitchin, for letting me have a series of updates from Gary Cass, who has started work on The Skull.
I think I won a bet with someone, because I predicted that this would be his next Star Fleet project.

This model is looking even better than I expected.
8 0 comments  › Start a forum discussion. 2024.09.13 

Our count is minus one.

On the twitter page of user: LunoriqreZX, I found a banner image that seemed familiar.
It took me a while to place it, but it is clearly an enlarged still version of Dorian Sherratt's animation of X-Bomber leaving its hangar on the Moon.

I had to screengrab the image, since it wouldn't allow me to download it any other way, oddly.

I went back to Dorian's deviantArt page to see whether it had ever been uploaded there.
His profile is now inactive and I found the below tragic and very sobering information.
35 0 comments  › Start a forum discussion. 2024.08.31 

X-Bomber v0.84k

I've started work on v0.84k:
 - Main menu colour change option - (WIP)
 - X-Bomber Prototype turrets fire yellow tracers, rather than blue.
 - Improvements to Dai-X junction and control mapping systems
 - Improvements to shield and damage indication systems
 - Hit boxes reshaped on Dai-X fighters
 - Dai-X pulse gun shots travel faster.
 - X-Bomber neck lasers improved

 - Flashing cursor added to high score menu, to make the name input field more apparent.

 - Finish work on power-up sprites
 - Add mini pulse gun to Legtrax to compensate for hitbox size increase.
 - Continue work on L16 reactor.
 - Dai-X quantum blaster - unselected beam mode
33 0 comments  › Start a forum discussion. 2024.08.29 

Impala Cruiser

X-Bomber's documentation is getting a major overhaul, although it is still nowhere near finished.
The manual will be condensed into a single document that will be very comprehensive.
It will also serve as a behind-the-scenes guide.

I tweaked Brad's image of the Impala Cruiser, which appears a good bit in the game to make it fit in with the other images.
37 0 comments  › Start a forum discussion. 2024.08.27 


X-Bomber Original Player Ship  
(Closer in some ways to the one in the show)
 - Pulse-fire neck lasers with additional sound effect, kindly provided by BladeZ
 - Dai-X - Yellow x-tracer (ep19)
 - Dai-X - Chest cannons revised
 - Dai-X New mega missile detonation mode (spiral incendiary)

 - Clickteam Fusion runtime updated from 293.10 to 295.10
 - Player searchlights (for night mode etc.) implemented
 - X-Bomber crew no longer chatter when playing as The Skull
 - 'Points of interest' objects improved

Player Weapons
 - New chest cannon mode for default Dai-X (high-velocity homing)
 - Dai-X pulse gun reverted to v0.84e configuration (more accurate to show), as well as primary weapon cycling behaviour
 - Braincom vulcan guns and cluster bombs revised
 - Graphical bug fixed on Quantum Blaster special weapon charge particle effect
 - Interesting positioning/graphical glitch fixed on ODIN/THOR boosters

 - L6-10 - Glitch with X-Bomber pulse gun muzzle flash colour fixed
 - L6 - FG hologram effects further improved
 - L15 - Battlecruiser shield overlay
 - L16 - Reactor beam weapons fixed, core sprite added

Mission Briefings
 - Solar system map generates faster
 - Interesting glitch with map labelling fixed
 - Adding further DVD screengrab images to mission briefings ...

Main Menu
 - Ship selector in main menu displays images of player ships
 - Main menu mini-map looks a bit more map-like

 - Re-work quantum blaster unselected/beam mode
91 0 comments  › Start a forum discussion. 2024.08.27 

End of an Era

This week was the last week of our company's based office by the beach.
I handed the keys back to the owners on Thursday.

So long, old girl, and thanks for all the fish,
32 0 comments  › Start a forum discussion. 2024.08.24 
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v0.84j test 5094564
Shiro Hagan 12906

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Luis Cotovio
Dan from SFFB

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This site and content is unofficial; © 2002-2024 Piers Bell and other authors.

Star Fleet, X-Bomber et al. © Enoki Films.