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New Gary Cass Project

Dan at Star Fleet Facebook was kind enough to send me this image of Gary Cass' new project: a painted X-Bomber model.

The paintwork is great on this. I like the variations of tone that make it look to be made up of many individual panels.

It would be great to see how this turns out, fully-assembled.
2024.11.09 139 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Pumpkin Major Zero

We don't normally do a lot around halloween in this house, but I did have the idea a number of years ago (when I was in a previous job, actually) to do a pumpkin zeroid.

I will say that I have never done a pumpkin lantern in my life, but this one has turned out OK and our daughter seems very happy with it.
2024.10.29 132 2 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

A few Star Fleet Additions

Things have been a bit slow on the front of Star Fleet news recently.
I did encounter a photo from the Star Fleet Expo in Tokyo 2 years ago, though, of an item that I had not seen in any previous photographs.

I take this photo to be an original poster to advertise the airing of X Bomber on TV in Japan.

I've made quite a few additions to the site here and there of the last few weeks, including a couple of new images in the Star Fleet - Soundtracks section.
2024.10.27 137 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Friday Ramble

I see that the anniversary of X Bomber's debut on Japanese television has been and gone without much excitement, compared to 2 years ago, when the Expo in Tokyo was held.

I saw quite a few reposts of Star Fleet content but not much in the way of 'news'.

It might be nice to align the Star Fleet Skype/Teams with then next year, or on the UK TV debut which is later this month.

For my part, I was working a bit last night on getting some alien creatures added to X-Bomber the Game's planet levels.
Out of the dozen or so creature types, I still have about three that need a good bit of work on their sprites. After that will come the fun and games of coding their behaviours. I will see what more I can get done on it tonight.

A few improvements are planned for the site, but those will take quite a bit of work behind-the-scenes before they can be made available.

I see that the first in a two-part collection of all TV21 Stingray comics, as well as some newly-written ones is available via gerryanderson.com.
I think I'll get a copy of that, since my daughter has a real appreciation for Stingray and especially the comics.
At the moment, we're reading the one with the Crustavons and the Sidewinder.
I will note that the Sidewinder is remarkably tough in that comic, which is just as well since the crew seem incompetent.
2024.10.11 159 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.


Folder preview
I finished re-watching Zentrix (what a TV show).
I see that its creator: Felix Ip has been busy on facebook and has added some new images about Zentrix that I'd never seen before as recently as April of this year.

Consequently, the Zentrix area of the site has been expanded and upgraded with new images and new, better-quality versions of images that I already had.
Particularly, the Production and Promotional Materials folders have been expanded.

The Fan Artworks folder has also been improved and expanded with new illustrations that I found on my most recent search.
2024.10.05 167 1 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Unknown Artists

Folder preview
As part of my clean up of the file 'structures' on my laptop (which is progressing quite well), I have been adding quite a lot of material to the site in various areas.
The toys and merchandise folder, for example, has received a few new additions.

I also found two renders by an unknown artist, that hadn't been added to the site previously.
Update: Artist identified as SilkSpectrum

All other 'unknown artist' works moved to Unknown artists folder.
2024.10.04 159 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Nice to see ...

... a newly revised version of Nopple_1000's Dai-X illustration on nitter.

There seems to be a recent focus on the X Bomber comics: both Shonen Jump and TV-kun on twitter in Japan.
You don't have to venture far from xbomber.co.uk to see the whole lot, and my mighty and venerable Epson V750 Pro has done a much better job of the scanning. 

In other news, the SFXB forum has been given some upgrades, in the form of two extensions to help bring the functionality of the PHPBB more into line with modern expectations: 
 - Thanks for posts 
 - Avatar resize
I've given both of them a test out and they seem to work nicely.
2024.10.03 262 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

News Summary 2

I've finished my work for now on the new, updated links page.
I managed a bit more on X-Bomber the Game over the weekend and will try to get back to it again tomorrow.

On the subject of the links page: especially its section on Star Trek, I came across an impressive site, which looks to be a step on from the discontinued LCARS 47 project.
These graphical interfaces are remarkable, but they concentrate a bit too heavily on the nutrek LCARS appearance, which lacks the appealing colours of the '80s/90s originals.

Andy Thomas has posted an informative vid about the VHS capture process that fed into the creation of SFXB.
It would be interesting to see a few more of these.

On another note, we run a Star Fleet Teams/Skype every 6 months, which might be a good forum (alongside the actual forum) for any questions about the history of SFXB and other Star Fleet sites.
2024.09.30 140 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

News Summary

To try and make the site a bit more friendly, I got it to piggy-back the forum login cookies and look up usernames and avatar images (if people have them) in the database and display them on the front page.

The links page has been quite-a-bit re-worked and expanded.
You might find some interesting new things in there.

A few other commitments have broken my stride a bit but, I've been working on X-Bomber the Game earlier this week.
I'm trying to get this feature finished, which has been on my to-do list for a very long time.
The sprites are coming along quite well but are taking a little while to convert and improve them so that they'll look in-keeping in the game.
I doubt that it'll take much programming to get them working.
2024.09.27 163 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.


On the subject of Interster, I saw that it was being discussed over twitter in Japan.
It looks that not many people there had heard of it.

Anyway, it looks as though all-but-three episodes of this have been found and uploaded to youtube, although, helpfully, 10 videos seem to be hidden.

For me, it could definitely use some subtitles but it has a nice theme tune.

When I looked more closely at the image featured in the twitter post, the model of the Impala ship that features a lot in the show is a papercraft model, made by this very talented artist on deviantart: ThunderChildFTC.
2024.09.24 156 2 comments  » Start a forum discussion.


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