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Cool Stuff - Stingray

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This year, we had quite a Stingray-centric Christmas ...
I found a new, sealed, 2001 clockwork-driven Stingray from Vivid Imaginations on eBay, which set me back a little, for my daughter.
It's one of the best toys I've bought in ages.  It's big and it's very accurate despite the back being a bit chunky to fit the mechanism in.
It has a clutch on the clockwork mechanism, so that it doesn't start to unwind until you press the wheel in on the bottom.
The torpedo launchers work really well.

The first instalment of the Stingray Comic Anthology, which Anderson has done for Stingray's 60th anniversary is really great.
It's bigger than I expected and the paper quality is lovely.  The brightness of the colours is amazing: far better than previous compilations.
2024.12.27 70 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Thanks to kyano13neo ...

I have found another page of this Italian comic book nativity story, featuring Dai-X:
	Trider G7 Goes to Bethlehem
2024.12.26 83 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Merry Christmas

I wish everyone a merry, peaceful and wonderful Christmas and all the best for 2025.

In other news, I'm managing to get a little bit done on X-Bomber the Game, as is often the way, this time of year.
2024.12.23 89 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Thunder n' Paradise

My calico fantail has been having quite a hard time over the last several weeks. I'd been trying pretty much everything to get Thunder feeling better.
I was having some success, but it was backwards-and-forwards. 
What seems to have pushed us forward more than anything else was changing his food away from normal AquaCare Goldfish to AquaCare Goldfish Japan, which is apparently meant for fantails.

Anyway, if you'd noticed that not-as-much had been going on with the site at the moment, this has been part of the reason.
2024.12.20 75 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Nabe Ichihoshi - 2022 Expo Photo

I found this photo in a discussion on low-angle macro photography on nitter.
This image was captured on an iphone 'camera' and has had a lot done in photoshop, but the outcome was nice and artistic.
2024.12.19 68 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Akasakanain - Moderoid Dai-X

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I like this Goodsmile/Moderoid Dai-X model build and there are quite a few good photos of it.
A lot of work clearly went into painting it and making it look a lot more realistic.

I do wonder whether it got made to look a bit too dirty.
Even my Subaru looks cleaner than that.
2024.12.17 78 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Anthony Leach - PPA

I have a new image of Anthony's PPA project, thanks to Dan at SFFB.
I really look forward to seeing the finishing touches done on this.
2024.12.06 113 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

'Star Trek': P!card

This isn't Star Fleet (X Bomber)-related, but I wanted to share this great video, where this physicist spends four hours hilariously murdering the disaster that was Star Trek: Picard:
	How Star Trek: Picard Ruins Star Trek - YouTube
2024.12.06 88 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Matsuurama - Updated Lamia Illustration

2024.12.03 93 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

Star Fleet Upscale Quality Comparison

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In 2021, dym2005 produced a 720p AI upscale release of Star Fleet by combining the picture from the French DVD release with the audio from the UK/US release, which is a painstaking process.

There is more information about the making of the upscale here:
	Star Fleet / X-Bomber - Upscale Project (Released) - Original Trilogy

Megaupload Links
	Original | Updated version with Japanese audio and subtitles by Spoutnik

I would like to thank Antony Leach for generating the below comparisons, which illustrate the difference in quality between the UK DVD release and the upscale versions, and Dan Hitchin at SFFB for sharing them.
2024.11.14 129 2 comments  » Start a forum discussion.


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Star Fleet, X-Bomber et al. © Enoki Films.