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👍 87 | 2024.11.25

« X-Bomber v0.84k

 - Main menu colour change option - (WIP)
 - X-Bomber Prototype turrets fire yellow tracers, rather than blue.
 - Improvements to Dai-X junction and control mapping systems
 - Improvements to shield and damage indication systems
 - Hit boxes reshaped on Dai-X fighters
 - Dai-X pulse gun shots travel faster.
 - X-Bomber neck lasers improved
 - Bug fixed that occurs when a Dai-X fighter is destroyed

 - Flashing cursor added to high score menu, to make the name input field more apparent.

 - Finish work on power-up sprites
 - Add mini pulse gun to Legtrax to compensate for hitbox size increase.
 - Continue work on L16 reactor.
 - Dai-X quantum blaster - unselected beam mode


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Star Fleet, X-Bomber et al. © Enoki Films.