Spam issues

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Thanks to Brad, and others; I've been aware of these over the past week or so and I've now tightened up a few things that I didn't need to do in the past as this has never happened before. Fingers crossed this won't recur...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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Ahh - we've got the moderator approve thing on - that's not a bad idea.Will take some getting used to.Pity to have to resort to this just cos of a bunch of fragbait spammers.
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Just took moderation off actually - that was a mistake on my part, not used to the settings - it seems the defaults weren't actually activated. But if you see some ancient posts appear in some forums, they just got moderated!
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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It looks like we have another spammer: Broopopenvime. This guy is posting random junk to get his signature spam for an online drugstore visible.
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And another spamer: TabHeevaAndy, I maintain a list of (currently) 90 keywords that I use on my site's forums ( that does a pretty good job of keeping spam from surfacing. Our forum software checks new posts against this list and if a keyword is present in the post and the poster is a new member (less than 10 posts), the post gets dropped to the moderation queue and is invisible to regular members.Does Ikonboard have a similar moderation feature? If so, I'd be happy to PM or email you my keyword list, as well as a list of banned IP addresses of known spammers, if that might help.
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S'bit odd this. There were some gaps I'd inadvertently left open which should now be plugged, but there's still the odd one coming through - possibly they registered before the gaps were closed, but anyway, I've now got to OK all registrations and they'll only be guests until I authorise them. See how it goes. I don't think Ikonboard is up to keyword searching on profiles, but it certainly can ban by IP addresses and domains. Problem is much of the spam is coming from gmail, which could be legitimate, so...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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