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Well, just managed to find the doohickey that decides how many topics are displayed on the front page of each forum - now they won't look quite so desolate if no-one's posted in them for a while!
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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As you may have noticed I've been playing with the board settings, adding some new graphics etc - bringing it a little more in line with the main site's colour scheme and trying to make it a little more Star Fleet specific (hence the editing of icons). I don't think it's practical to change every icon going but I thought I ought to do some form of updating as I'd always meant to at some point...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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Hmmm... I do like those new icons. not to keen on the colours of the layout though. the blue may need toning down a bit, i does tend to jump off the page. In all nice idea keep it up.
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Colour schemes have never been my strong point - which blue do you mean, the blue for the links? That's the same as on the site, but then there're a lot of links close together on the main page of the forum so perhaps there's more impact. I've got quite a lot of scope to play with the style sheet as it turns out, which is basically what I've been doing all afternoon. Suggestions would be welcome.I'm also quite proud of my new Seach icon with the slopey text that fits onto the monitor. Whether the members will appreciate being likened to Mon Mons I don't know! It's tricky to alter because the icons are so small, hence the rather iffy Imperial Alliance logo based on the statue on Makara's bridge.
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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Quote (AndyThomas @ 18 Jan. 2004,23:47)Colour schemes have never been my strong point - which blue do you mean, the blue for the links?  you've got those blue bars above each section, I know that dark blue on a white background does cause a few problems. Having a brother whose epileptic I know that such stong coulors on a black canvas can cause headaches. I'd knock them down to at least mild blue or even a sky blue.Don't mind being a Mon Mon just as long as no-one shoots me
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Right, interesting point. I'd originally put them in like that to mirror the section graphics, but it turned out that the red font colour didn't show up well so I switched to white. But given that the other colours are quite weak I see your point. Pity, I've always liked white on purple, but perhaps not for this site... The funny thing is people coming to this thread tomorrow won't have a clue what's going on because it'll have changed...!
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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For what it's worth, I like the new look. (I bet you thought that I had disappeared. )The icons are shaping up very nicely! I didn't get to see the blue stripes that Zordon mentioned above.The only change I would suggest is darkening the red link colour on the front page for the forum categories. Such a bright red has a little too much contrast on that light blue background. Perhaps a colour such as or #66000 would do a bit better.I like to think I have a pretty good eye for colour. I'll gladly offer any suggestions if you like.
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Speaking of eye for colour, I just came back a few minutes ago and noticed that your GIFs weren't evenly coloured to match the background. So, I copied them, fixed the colours, and made them transparent so you can freely change the background color without having to make new GIFs.Enjoy! Fixing up digital images (not surprisingly, I guess) comes pretty easily to me. Feel free to use these in place of the ones you're using now, if you like.
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Heh, yes, I thought I was going to get away with the gifs not being transparent until I realised they were helpfully displayed outside the main forum colums down at the bottom of the front page! I need to come up with a "locked" variant as well I think, otherwise it'll look a little out of place...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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