New Sound Clips
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- Joined: Fri Dec 07, 2001 12:42 am
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I'm really surprised no-one had a go at me for the sheer awfulness of the .wav files I had up. I'm sure they didn't sound that bad when I made them back in '98/99! But anyway, they're gone, and shiny new mp3s are in their place. Sort of. I haven't replicated the .wavs - I more or less started from scratch having figured out how to get a .wav file from a .avi/mpeg file. Adding tags to 70+ mp3s was a bit painful mind you...! Still, all done now, and you'll discover the clips by looking through the characters section and the episode guide, as well as the obvious multimedia section home. As I now have the know-how to produce sounds (it's never been my strong point) let me know if there are any clips you'd like adding...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
- Posts: 1711
- Joined: Fri Dec 07, 2001 12:42 am
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Well, the old old clips did involve a Soundblaster, but without the direct video feed - I didn't think of that at the time! Believe it or not, I actually hooked up a dictaphone to the TV (it had a headphones socket) and taped the sound using that, then used the same double-jacked lead to feed the result into the Soundblaster's microphone socket. Combined with having to ramp down the quality of the .wav to make them small enough to upload into my original 20MB web space, well, the results weren't great! I don't think mp3 had really taken off at the time when I was first doing it...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator