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Hello; due to spambots I've had to disable new registrations on the forum so if you would like to post please contact me direct at andy at sfxb dot co dot uk and I will sort you out with an account as soon as I can. Sorry for the inconvenience, just a drawback of this board being a touch antiquated for these days...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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On a related topic, we've had a few spam subscriptions in the last couple of days.
PHPBB gives you a very convenient way to delete the user and all their messages in a few clicks.

I changed the antispam question from one about Dai-X to something else that was easy and Star Fleet-related.
Maybe they went on the site, did a manual subscription and then added the working answer to some database or other for spambots to use.

Edit: Well, that seems to have worked.
Dream big and bold and daring.
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