X-Archive Successfully Updated

A forum for discussion of Crash's retro-style arcade game based on Star Fleet
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Finally got the thing working again and updated.The Coppermine software has seen some good improvements.I went back through the forum (Other Creative Work and Genesis) and uploaded anything and everything I could find, lol.I made Brad, Dave and Shane admins so that means you can do anything with it really.If you find anything good on Star Fleet or have anything kicking about on your hard drive - upload it. The max file size is 10MB now and you can upload whatever. if it rejects it, put it in a zip file. If you tried to upload something before and it was too big - give it another shot. I remember there were some great 360' mov's and some swfs of legtrax transforming - I think Shane made that but those things plus anything that was on project-think seemed to have dried-up.So yeah, raid your hard drives. It would be nice to have one big public-use resource for Star Fleet stuff. There's also the public galleries as well. I'm not against people putting stuff there that's not really related to Star Fleet.I'm waiting for a good theme to appear. All the Coppermine 1.4 themes are no longer valid. You can tell it's written by German developers. You either conform or erm, well...X-Archive

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Theme changed to one that I actually like! - One day a ChaoticSoul theme got released for Coppermine 1.5.Had to make a few tweaks to it in order to accommodate the larger-than-default images.Currently updating the Coppermine software due to vulnerability etc... Oh good, it worked.
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Just a quick note to say I really like the new look of the X-Archive. Well done Crash, keep up the good work!It is much appreciated.
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That's very kind of you! This is how it looked, more-or-less, before I upgraded the Coppermine gallery to v1.5. The previous theme was the best from a pretty terrible assortment.The current theme worked with v1.4 but then they made tonnes of changes with 1.5 and broke compatibility with the themes. It took them this long to convert it for 1.5.Anyway If you have anything to put on there, just register and I think you're fairly unlimited in what you can upload.The only thing is that you have to press "continue" when it finishes uploading, I think, even if you don't make any changes to the descriptions etc.
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Dr. Ben
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Nice work Crash! Out of curiosity will the audio drama be stored there?
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If you like!I'm trying to refrain from ripping people off, whom I know, incase they get irate about me upping their work.If it's on flickr and I don't know 'em - I just steal it.Dark Rising.m4a is on its way to Brea, California. If you have anything else, just log on and fire it across.
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Just now catching up on this thread — I've been away for a while.I made the Legtrax transforming video that you may be remembering. It was all greyscale at the time, no textures. project-think was my website, but I gave up the domain years ago. I'll go scavenging my hard drives to see if I can find it and anything else I might not have already uploaded to the Archives.

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That vid was excellent because it was an updated, more stylish version of the original to my memory. Sorry for the mis-accreditation. I'll get Akina to download a backup of the whole site next week.I love hard drives; so much better than DVDs, but they do allow people to tidy up things that they end up wishing they'd kept.
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Ah, that video. Yes, that one was Shane's, and I think I might still have it saved somewhere too. My video was of the actual original version, part of the model that would become the full Dai X.
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D'oh! Any way of adding .m4v to the list of supported upload formats? All of my videos have been converted to .m4v (H.264 + AAC) with the expectation that H.264 will be around and widely supported for many years to come.
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