X-Bomber v068 Onwards Devlog - Please comment!!
- Crash
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Wow, the LPO version of Terrahawks is pretty convincing.The Farscape music was dreadful though, as was the film that ended it. That wasn't music to me but the show itself was good. As for Babylon5, I preferred the original titles and the theme from Season-5 was my favourite. I remember watching it in Germany and it was really uplifting and made everything seem fine. As for soundtracks, the Lost Tales had the best one - Just a shame there wasn't much movie to go with it.They always turn Gundam into a sad comedy when they dub it to English. To make it enjoyable, it really has to be the DVD copies with the official subtitles or fansubbed equivalents. At least Gundam is released in the UK, so officially dubbed versions are available, unlike recent Macross and Evangelion releases.I think it testifies to how badly western media understands anime. They cut into Gundam SEED massively as well, axeing the gory deaths and replacing handguns with lasers.I remember how, when the Gundam RX-78 statue went up, MSN News referred to Gundam as a "character from a popular, japanese TV show".As for the original series, I found it hard going because it seemed like you were having to regress an awful long way back to 1978 or whatever, just to 'enjoy' the original.I remember BSG 2004 had some Welsh folk song that the scorewriter cribbed running through it as a really good bit of music. Plus the more background scores were excellent. Again, I think they were best in the third season, probably because the season it accompanied was the best.I always had difficulty with that show because it had an understandable problem of not being able to introduce an interesting wealth of new ships throughout the series and also the characters were fairly undesirable.Recently, I got Seaquest in DVD quality and that is a good show. The plots don't always make the best sense but the show is very well done and infact, even its non-title music really stands out in places.
Dream big and bold and daring.
Yeah, I believe the composer of the Farscape theme tune didn't use a synth, but instead just strangled a bunch of cats and sampled the sound. Good show though, glad it got an ending even if it was a bit lacklustre.I think the TV critic, Charlie Brooker summed up Battlestar Galactica well in that It's both great and annoying in equal measure. The story is truly epic as are the space battles, but you have to put up with a lot of topgun bullshit and most of the actors seem to have walked off of a fashion shoot.The most fantastic downbeat ending to an episode ever though was when they found the planet they had been searching for, for so long turned out to be a radioactive wasteland. If they had let the series end there that would have been the most depressing end to a series in TV history.Yowza, haven't watched Seaquest since it was first shown on telly years ago.I remember the first series being quite good, but then they revamped the second season and brought in the great Michael Ironside. Unfortunately I think the series went downhill though and eventually got canceled!
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- Crash
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I was searching for pictures of a supposed, secret aircraft earlier this week and came across an interesting image of a Northrop prototype, which is identical to BSG Raptor in every way: http://ultraclearance.com/f19/Northrop- ... oretically, this was refined into the F-117.I did love that ending on the radioactive planet because it was a massive cliffhanger.As for characters, the guy who played Apollo was great because he was very good in the part and had one of the least detestable characters in the show although that wasn't saying much.And then you had the Admiral himself, who held himself to a pretty high standard and everyone beneath was just terrible.The doctor had a pretty awful bedside manner. You would rather have been treated on the NHS than by him.The chief mechanic beat that poor girl half-to-death.Starbuck was ugly and a complete mess.Then there was the *entire crew* of Pegasus. That was very much like Children of the Dust scenario or whatever.It was an unpleasant series but that was what TV needed in a way. That's why it was so acclaimed, I guess.Caprica on the other hand was pretty lame.
Dream big and bold and daring.