Don't remeber login details failing

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Matt Darcy
Posts: 164
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I'm on a clients site today and thought I'd make a post.I logged in as normal but selected the "don't remember login details" check box as I didn't want my details remaining on a clients PC.There appears to be a problem with the board where by it actually authenticates me and confirms my correct login, but when the screen refreshes and I'm returned to the forum to make my post, I'm showed as not logged in and have to login again. This is a constant loop.If I change the settings to remember my login, its lets me login fine.
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What browser are you using there?My experience working on the forums at a local business has shown that the older versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer (anything less than 6.0, actually) do a very poor job managing special cookie sessions like this. We support only IE6 and the various Firefox/Mozilla/Opera alternatives.
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Hm. Unfortunately this is an off the shelf sort of forum and I'm nowhere near having the expertise to help with that - it might be that the temporary cookie's time limited but as the board is hosted in the States perhaps there's a clock calculation that's getting messed up... I know I can upgrade this board to a different type of board which might do a better job, any interest in that?
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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The people at were talking about a free forum that's absolutely amazing - I'll find out what it was called.
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