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Little did I know what I was letting myself in for when I decided to upgrade the board..! However, fingers crossed, this is now a SQL powered board. Now that it's SQL I also have the option to switch to a different type of board, but I'll see how stable this one turns out to be before I start hitting my head against any more solid objects, I think! As it's very late I haven't had chance to do anything with the colour scheme, logo etc but have a nose round anyway. This thing's like a brand new Swiss army knife and I've only just found the scissors, so it may be a while before I start doing anything really clever with it. If you have trouble logging in, let me know - your account should (he says) be as it was...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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Looks fine...!Lost my old avatar (Arthur from The Tick) in the move, but that's prompted me to stop being lazy and add my own avatar (I'd already created it to use on another board).I notice that for the feedback forum, clicking through to the last posted topic on the main page (in the right hand column), which is titled "Of historical interest...", produces the error: "Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it's possible that it's been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again."but going into the feedback forum and then going into the topic works fine.[Happosai]
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Thanks for mentioning that. A couple of the other forums seem to be doing it, and strangely The Show lets you click on it but then takes you into a different thread! This is probably just a side effect of the board being new - from its point of view the last post may be a little confused because some of these forums haven't actually been posted in, ever! I think it'll sort itself out once new replies are made... *crosses fingers*
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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Great board. I've not had the time to comment on it untill now, although I have had a quick look once or twice over the week.It's a lot easier to use thats for sure, and the new features like the polls and the easy to use icons when you write your posts are most welcome.Nice stuff.Shane.
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might I congratulate you in removing the numbers of posts = points business from this forum? It served no purpose in my opinion. Nice work Andy!!!
Dream big and bold and daring.
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Thanks one and all. It's very much still in its default set-up - I've had an, ah, interesting week so I haven't gotten round to playing yet - hence why at the time of writing I haven't even got the Star Fleet logo back up! I confess to being a bit surprised that you like the colour scheme - isn't a bit, well, grey?! I think you can opt for a different skin to use, though - that's yet another function I need to look at! As for the cadet/pilot etc thing - not keen then CO? I haven't set that up either, but I was thinking that I might group people by Terrahawks and Star Fleet, and give them different posting symbols accordingly. Again, I need to do some homework on that front...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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The board is slightly bland looking, but I knew you were just starting out with it, and that the colors will come later. Feature wise it's the bomb. The ranking system was a nice bit of fun, and my ego likes my Imperial Master designation But I didn't realise it hadn't been put back so...Image wise, is there a way of placing a relevant small image on each forums title page where the IB Icons are at present? They look like they could be changed, is that possible? That would certainly brighten things up a little.Shane.
I like parties, I like fun, I want to live in a hamburger bun!
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Yes, in theory I could swap out all the images for others, providing I watch the sizes and filenames. I was looking at them the other night to see what there was - as some have noted, the default avatars are slightly different on this board. I really ought to make them jpegs now, they'd look a little better. Vaguely wondering about making them bigger, for some reason they strike me as looking smaller on this board, not sure why...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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I've started to look into making some alterations but I'm pretty busy at the moment, so I've just added in a fairly generic SFXB "tag" to make the place a little more my own. I'll come back to it when I can, but the procedure for making changes is a little more complicated than on the previous board...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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