Opinions please - new board, or not?

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I'm considering upgrading this board to a more powerful database-driven affair, which would allow for polls and such like. The likely upshot is that all the existing messages would be lost. That might not happen, but it's a possibility. I need to look into it further, but I'd be interested in comments. I'm not 100% sure we need anything better, but...?
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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It would certainly be a shame to lose all the old posts, something which i found very useful yesterday when trying to find some information.But if the forum is limited and people want the new function that a lick of paint won't provide then i say go for itNigel
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Yes exactly the same happened here. The input from all the members is dead useful. And besides polls and things can normally be done on the site.
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Yes, you can certainly do polls of opinion - but more advanced forums can actually do counting-type polls! I've since done a little more reading and I think it'll actually be possible to retain all the old posts if I'm smart about how I do this. This may actually be a two-stage process - I need to upgrade this board to version 3, but then I'm thinking of transferring the whole kit and kaboodle to a totally different type of board. A little ambitious perhaps...! What I will do, before I do anything, is take this board off-line and save it. I can always restore it, or even move it to a different location and keep it there as an archive should the new board fall over. Keep the comments coming...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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