SO, what do you gamers on hear thing of the wave OF '80s style games?

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I admoiit that some of these modern games're good but sTEAM DO GOOD RETOR STYLE games (DONUT DODO for a start). What does anytbody else think?
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That's a good question.
For someone that's still writing an 80s style game (although it tries to be more modern in some ways), I don't really find myself following developments on those sorts of projects as much as I really should.
When it comes to indie game development, my practically only interest now is in my own game, which seems a bit self-serving.

I think it comes down to having dabbled in that, long before internet was easily accessible, when you would pass around floppy disks in the playground with games that you'd written.
It was always a solitary kind of interest and that's kind of the way that I learned to do it.

When I started X-Bomber the Game in 2002, I wanted to do much the same as before, just with Star Fleet as the subject matter.

I wonder whether there is a resurgence of classic, indie games, that can be made with a smaller number of developers, due to current dissatisfaction with AAA game titles, which I hear a lot about.

Does that line up with your experience?

I haven't a great deal of progress to report on the game right now but I have been working on it a fair bit this evening.
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I've also been dabbling in 90s stye FPS (Prodeus is a good one to start). Some of these 80s/90s stryle games're good. I missed the vast majority of the 90s gaming scene but GOG and Steam give be a chance to obtain and Play them (like DOOM). hEY, REMEMBER THE 8-BIT SPECCY/COMMODORE 64 Rocky Horror show game? You've GOT to check the new out
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Gift of Game is an absolute gift of a service.
Now, even Steam, which is quite consumer-focussed, is saying that they can yank 'purchases' at any time and make them unavailable to you after you've bought them.

I downloaded Quake 4 from GoG recently and it was a great game. I have yet to quite finish it though.
I had to do a bit of hacking of the game's configuration file because the values that get written into there by the game's settings menu cause problems when the game runs in Windows 10 or 11.
The game ran fine, but the textures looked dreadful. I was puzzling for a long time about whether the game had looked that unremarkable years ago when I played it.
Once the config file was patched up and edited manually, it looked absolutely fantastic.
I might just replay the game from the start to enjoy the full benefit of the change.

To be honest, it's hard to see any massive advancement in graphical quality between that game from 2006 and many that are getting released nearly 20 years later.

I have been working on X-Bomber the Game in the last week. I hope to get a bit more done over Christmas.
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