Interster - the South African Star Fleet?

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Well, you know, I've never met a nice South African.

I wonder if anyone's ever set up a proxy site to make it look like you're from there.
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Freakin' "Spitting Image"; I love it...

Someone said to use this:
But I dunno, I've never had luck with proxy's. They only work to a certain extent...
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A paid proxy might be more reliable, if you can find one for South Africa.
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felice wrote:A paid proxy might be more reliable, if you can find one for South Africa.
Someone told me on the lostmedia wikia where I brought it to their attention, that it was a pay viewing site. So I doubt that they will accept my US located Visa Credit Card. ... odes_14-37
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TV recordings of Episodes 14-16 have emerged on YouTube this past year which is great to see. ... VSYVK2Q1mQ

Thanks to YouTube's automated Content ID system, I recently discovered that "Interster" apparently used quite a bit of stock music, including much of that eerie "Terminator"-esque ambient music and the oft-used flying theme. ... wU&index=1
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I just watched a couple of minutes, the puppets are remarkably well done facially - I'd say quite Terrahawks like? Clearly quite an ambitious production. Be interesting to find out more about what it was all about and if they were trying to emulate anything else...
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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