Alien Battlecruiser from Above

A forum for discussion of Crash's retro-style arcade game based on Star Fleet
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Does anyone have any clear images of the alien battleship, taken from above?

I'm trying to make the Battlecruiser in level 15 more accurate but it's difficult trying to put it together from photos and diagrams taken from the sides.
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Hi Crash, I haven't checked but are there any any photos in the encyclopedia that might help?
There's that 3D model that someone who's name escapes me made as well.
Evasive Manoeuvres!
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That's a very good thought. I'll check the Encyclopaedia.

The only 3D models I've seen are very crude but they might do to give me an idea.

It's just that it's such a chaotic and bizarre-looking ship.

The view from above that you get on the volcano planet is helpful but still not very distinct.
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I remember scanning a line drawing of it, but that might just have been of the side and front/back.

Yeah it's a very techno-organic design, very sinister and yet magnificent. I could easily imagine myself dominating the galaxy and persecuting entire races and planets, whilst at it's helm.

I tried to give a possible explanation of it's bizarre looks in my fanfic.

Good luck.
Evasive Manoeuvres!
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