If You Could Save 3 Things from the 80s...

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(Crash Override @ Oct. 12 2011,21:17)QUOTEIsn't it Mystery Science Theatre 3000?I've never seen it.I'm watching the new Battlestar Galactica. I've decided I have a mancrush on Apollo. It was a shame that the series had such a sad ending but you could tell from the tone of the show that it would wind up that way.Also, a new Gundam series, other than Unicorn is now being broadcast in Japan. It's Gundam Age and it's ... OK.It's a lot cuter than other Gundam shows. The animation is a lot more ... almost childlike whereas Gundam 00 was a bit too stale and clinical for my liking.I know people had a lot to say against Gundam SEED's animation but I think that show hit just the right style and balance.MST3K is what they always abbreviate it as....You should if you like a good laugh at both commical reviews and really god awful movies. A couple of the movies are Japanese imports that seem to have the cast of "Star Fleet" doing the voices.Those movies are I believe:Fugitive AlienStar Force: Fugitive Alien IIMighty JackThose are all on YouTube. I've been able to identify Peter Marinker, Jay Benedict, Garrick Hagon, Liza Ross and I do believe Constantine Gregory all had roles (don't quote me, but I swear to god Hercules was narrating the stories). I can't find anywhere confirming this fact or denying it
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It's struck me that my 3 bestest-ever TV shows have something in common, they all feature the birth of twins: Winnie & Nelson in the Cosby Show; Nicky & Alexander in Full House; and I count Goybirl and Birlgoy as twins (sort of) in Terrahawks.A random memory: first year in secondary school, my Scripture teacher was talking about the theme of obsession, and giving examples of obsessions. She said "There may be a certain television programme which you feel life wouldn't be worth living without..." I thought "Cool! An elderly teacher who knows exactly how a youngster's mind works!" But then she blotted her copybook by adding "....which is silly, of course!"
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If I had to save just 1 film/show from the 80s, I'd probably be influenced by what tune I had on the brain at the time of being asked: if I was listening to Duran Duran's Is There Something I Should Know? then I'd pick Starfleet; anything from 1984-85 (especially the fabulous Living on Video by Trans-X), I'd go for Terrahawks; and if I was listening to any great song from 1988, then I'd choose Anne of Green Gables.
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Beyond Star Fleet, which I agree, should be a given; Macross (or Robotech if we're only talking western), Star Trek TNG, and Blade Runner.
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80s Doctor Who must survive, no matter the cost.
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I'll assume that Star Fleet is the default "always saved no matter what" thing here, so with that in mind I'd go with Terrahawks, She-Ra: Princess of Power (She-Ra was my first childhood hero!) and Max Headroom.
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The Young Ones' episode Cash actually reminds me a bit of Thawks' 2 for the Price of 1: when Vyvyan = "pregnant", the other characters panic & declare the need to fetch hot water. At the end, Mike says "What do we have, a boy or a girl?" (2 for the Price of 1 was apparently considered dodgy in its day, but it's nothing compared with the ending of "Cash"!)At one time, my idea of Heaven was living in the Young Ones' flat, and flitting between Rick's bed & Vyvyan's.
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My picks are Terrahawks, Inhumanoids, and Aliens. Although I'd probably save Jem too.
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I think Alien(s), Terminator 1+2 and Terrahawks are great suggestions to this.What was made of TNG in the 80s would have to be saved as well as Blade Runner - and that's just from the west.The Gundams and Macrosses from the 80s - I can't seem to really get on with.The early ones are fairly visually unappealing and they leave me feeling a bit empty and unengaged. The lack of pacing and strange, unlikeable characters make it difficult to gain traction with the show.
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I'd find it hard to choose between Terrahawks & the Young Ones, if I now had to narrow it down to 1. A point in Terrahawks' favour is: I prefer most of Kate's songs to the guest-star musical performances in TYO flat.
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