Current Version
Previous v0.84 Releases
So far, v0.84 releases have focussed on adding further features, improving graphics and gameplay.
A number of improvements have also been made to existing missions.
v0.84j |
296 MB |
2024.08.27 | |

X-Bomber Original Player Ship
(Closer in some ways to the one in the show)
- Pulse-fire neck lasers with additional sound effect, kindly provided by BladeZ
- Dai-X - Yellow x-tracer (ep19)
- Dai-X - Chest cannons revised
- Dai-X New mega missile detonation mode (spiral incendiary)
- Clickteam Fusion runtime updated from 293.10 to 295.10
- Player searchlights (for night mode etc.) implemented
- X-Bomber crew no longer chatter when playing as The Skull
- 'Points of interest' objects improved
Player Weapons
- New chest cannon mode for default Dai-X (high-velocity homing)
- Dai-X pulse gun reverted to v0.84e configuration (more accurate to show), as well as primary weapon cycling behaviour
- Braincom vulcan guns and cluster bombs revised
- Graphical bug fixed on Quantum Blaster special weapon charge particle effect
- Interesting positioning/graphical glitch fixed on ODIN/THOR boosters
- L6-10 - Glitch with X-Bomber pulse gun muzzle flash colour fixed
- L6 - FG hologram effects further improved
- L15 - Battlecruiser shield overlay
- L16 - Reactor beam weapons fixed, core sprite added
Mission Briefings
- Solar system map generates faster
- Interesting glitch with map labelling fixed
- Adding further DVD screengrab images to mission briefings ...
Main Menu
- Ship selector in main menu displays images of player ships
- Main menu mini-map looks a bit more map-like | v0.84i |
277 MB |
2023.10.14 | |

Mission 6
- Player missiles and turrets now track cloaked enemies, once revealed by collecting 20 adaptive camoflage debris fragments.
- Asteroid with crashed attacker type astrofighter added 2-minute mark
Hover over it to investigate for points bonus.
- Deathball improved
- Deathball 2 improved
- Tank turret pairing logic improved
- Dust clouds for larger ground vehicles
Mission Briefings
- Mission 16 briefing complete
- Mission 15 briefing almost complete
Level 16
- Omega laser activates during approach
- Dock area expanded with new background graphics, green heavy bombers and minelayers
Level 16 Boss
- Overall graphics improved
- Segment ordering improved substantially, especially regarding the shield ship as it docks and undocks
- Head animations and weapon cycles improved
Special Weapons
- Special weapons pod - Dai-X plasma grenade launcher improved
- RFSG - side shots now orange, rather than red
- Quantum blaster - retested | v0.84h |
274 MB |
2022.10.08 | |

Level 16
- Boss progressed with sprites improved
- Reactor shutdown sequence improved
- Escape sequence improved
Level 11
- Underwater light rays improved
Level 6
- Enemy sprites, including FG device improved
- FG holograms illuminated by player/ally weapons
Level 7
- Ending improved
- Skull non-player logic improved
- Plasma cannon effects and collisions improved
- Scalar mass driver effects improved
- Converging laser torpedo graphics and sound improved, recoil effect re-added for phase 1
- Dai-X homing laser guidance logic improved
- Dai-X arc sabre texture improved
- Enemy beam weapon effects improved
- Laser torpedo muzzle glows
- Asteroid dust trails
- Illumination on various ships
- Dialog system improved with new character images
- Menu map finished
- Documentation improved | v0.84g |
241 MB |
2022.05.20 | |

Level 16
- Black cloud transition (space => fortress exterior) improved
- Fortress exterior defences complete: 12.29
5-tube missile launcher
Energy net launcher
Fighter launch tunnel
- Drone hall improved with moving drone magazines 2020.07.06
- High security area and reactor logic improved
- Improved multi-level background layering
- Fixed some graphical glitches relating to the fortress interior environment
Level 9
- Introductory, coastal phase improved
Level 0
Object placement randomised
- Bomber-X comic book Alliance carriers and fighters introduced as 'guest enemies'
- WingBlade weapons fixed/improved
Mission Briefings
- Mission environment display 2020.06.17
- Sync of ground objects with terrain further improved
- Fix applied to allow the game to run smoothly under new Fusion runtimes 2020.08.23 | v0.84f |
262 MB |
2020.06.11 | |

Level 16
- Interior environment graphics 2
- Reactor progressed
- Power transfer area progressed
Level 8
- lots of bolts tightened
New Special Weapon
- Dai-X #9; arc sabre 3
Updated Special Weapons
- X-Bomber #8; Gunboy 1
- firing cycle/animation improved
- Dai-X #2; lock-on lightning
- improved sprites
- smoother beam handover between lock-on and manual modes
- Dai-X #4; plasma grenade launchers
- graphics improved
Player ships
- Various improvements to Dai-X, including docking sequence
- Shield bubble displays properly on all player ships when player hit.
- Score display and performance counters restored, slight re-configuration
1. 2020.05.13
2. 2020.05.20
3. 2020.06.03 | v0.84e |
256 MB |
2020.05.02 | |

Level 16 (final level) substantially progressed:
- Cargo block exchange graphics upgraded 1
- Drone storage hall
- Deathballs on rails
- Death-X Variable type boss sprites improved
- High security area 2
- Space environment and transition to fortress exterior improved 3
- Cruise missile vapour trail fixed, engine glow added
- Energy net behaviour and textures improved
- 'Eye' laser emplacement graphics improved
- Main reactor 90% finished 4
Level 15
- Battlecruiser damage indication improved 2
- Terrain and ground-object handling improved 2
- Object ordering
- Scorekeeping improved
- Messages subsystem - fixes and improvements 3
- Enemy weapons improved, including smart laser
- Music engine improved
- GUI improved; colour matches HUD of selected player ship 2
- L16 briefing images added 3
- various fixes, including updater 2
1. 2020.04.08
2. 2020.04.15
3. 2020.04.22
4. 2020.04.29 | v0.84d |
229 MB |
2017.10.10 | |

- Handling of weapon system activation improved in training mission
- Briefing screen upgraded
- Astrofighter carriers release astrofighters during levels - partial
- Vapour and smoke trail performance improved
- Dust particle system version 4
- Automatic Dai-X junction (Hold shift).
- Quantum blaster mechanics improved
- Dialogue system improved for better readability
- In-game music handling skips unplayable files.
- fixed event ordering glitch, when friendly Astrofighters are destroyed
- Quantum blaster (X-Bomber special weapon) graphics updated
- Enemy smart mine graphics improved
This version is a significantly larger download than previous versions due to the increased amount of music and external PNG briefing images.
These files will be slimmed down for the next version.
| v0.84c |
175 MB |
2016.11.09 | |

- 1. Superfighter miniboss
- 6. Cloaked enemy effects improved
- 8. Volcanoes
- 10. Add large artefact enemies, improve sun background layering
- Levels 7 and 10; re-balanced; mini power-ups removed
- Player shields (press C) re-balanced and available on all player ships
- Finish X-Bomber guided missiles
- Muzzle flash and impact effects phase 2; laser torpedoes etc.
- X-Bomber turrets and gunboys upgraded
- Rotator spreadgun rewritten with variable bullet speed
- Dai-X Fighter secondary weapons and ammo handling improved
- Several bullets merged and re-sprited
- Laser sabre upgraded - causes more damage after every beam reflection
- Lightning weapons improved
- Sound effects updated
- Music playback glitches fixed
- Soundtrack refreshed | v0.84b |
140 MB |
2016.06.24 | |

Player Weapons
- Wildfire missiles graphically improved with launch clouds and engine glow
- Wingblade and homing lasers functionally and graphically improved
- Change BrainCom and Legtrax special weapons
- Launch clouds, improved logic and graphics for plasma grenades
- Improved and unified player missile guidance and turret targetting system
- Main battle tank 'turret sharing' logic and movement
- Dialogue: shields and fighter megabombs
- Realtime rotation on more objects; 6MB shaved off project filesize
- Mission 9 water texture improved - now more 'ocean' and less 'swimming pool'
- Check Shockwaves on all bosses
- Mission 4: Improve planet and explosion sequence
- Mission 16: Colour-scheme change on mid-level boss
User Interface
- Options menu streamlined
- Logic and graphical changes to main menu | v0.84a |
148 MB |
2016.03.19 | |

New Enemy - Alliance Ground Attack Drone (appears in Mission 06)
- Changed Dai-X mega missiles to much cooler nukes
- Dai-X black hole missile special weapon improved
- Improved Dai-X Fighter special weapon logic; especially MainBody
- X-Bomber guided missile homing logic improved to engage multiple targets simultaneously
- Automatic power transfer improved to take account of the extra boost from 50% (gold) and 100% (purple) power-ups.
- Alliance astrofighter, carrier and transport spawning logic simplified and improved.
- Manual power transfer efficiency increased from 50 to 75%
- Spawning for various things (including enemy transports and power-ups) improved.
Mission Updates
- Mission 15 - Battlecruiser upgrade - Phase 2
- Mission 11 - Terrain speed altered
- Mission 08 - Stage 3 rebuilt
- Mission 00 - Training mission updated
- Various missile sprites improved (alpha-blend, real-time rotation, scaling)
- Drop shadows v4 | v0.84 |
147 MB |
2015.08.31 | |

- Migration from Multimedia Fusion 2 to Clickteam Fusion 2.5 runtime
- 'Night mode' enabled and other consistency improvements in mission 11
- 'No instruments mode' available in options menu
- Dai-X special weapon; Quantum Buster rebalanced with new features and graphics
- Mission 11 underwater wingmen added
- Bullet muzzle flashes and impact animations
- Dai-X Special Weapon 3; RFSG, and 4; plasma grenades improved
- Engine glow and afterburn for Booster Packs
- Underwater bubble particles and other mission 11 graphics improved
- Mission 9 - stage 1 graphics improved |
In these versions, all 17 missions were merged into a single, unified engine.
A number of new features were added, as well as many improvements to the player's weapons.
v0.83h |
145 MB |
2015.05.28 | |

Note: Press and hold Select 1 (Shift, by default) to transform to Dai-X.
Select 2 is now Ctrl by default, rather than \,
- Joystick/gamepad button mapping
- Online and local high-score systems improved
- Skull missile reloading fixed
- Mission 15 battlecruiser improved
- DRAGOON weapon improved
- Neutralaser enemy weapon prototype
- Lack of power-up bunkers in mission 3 fixed
- Power-up glow
- Boss 5 graphics improved
| v0.83g |
143 MB |
2015.03.19 | |

Guest Ally: Impala Star Cruiser (credit: Brad Smith)
- GunBoy special weapon improved - More than 8 can be deployed.
- WingMan movement logic improved
- ADEN Cannon now equally effective against all enemies
- Lighting overlay improved and colour-coded full-screen glow displayed when collecting power-ups
- Shields, afterburners and plasma missiles improved
- Variable engine glow
- Background scrolling logic improved
- Player speed handicap added to allow engine-disabling enemy weapons
- Airstrike logic simplified and improved - Tap A to summon Airstrike. Hold A to summon F-Zero One.
| v0.83f |
142 MB |
2014.09.13 | |
X-Bomber Special Weapon #9; Laser Sabre - Complete
- Beams reflect off targets more reliably
X-Bomber Special Weapons - Logic1 and graphics2 updates
- #3; Rotator Spread Gun1
- #4; Plasma Cannon
- #5; Scalar Mass Driver2
- #7; Converging Laser Torpedos1
Dai-X Special Weapons - Logic and graphics updates
- #2; WingBlade
- #3; Rapid-fire Spread Gun
- #4; Plasma Grenade
- #8; Quantum Blaster
Player Ships
- Issues with The Skull player ship fixed
- WingBlade afterburners added
- WingBlade shield/HUD logic improved
- Added laser torpedoes and pulse guns to Attacker astrofighters
- Added dual and alternating fire cycles to enemy turrets
- Adjusted rotation logic on space mines
- Early-in-game Boss ships - health doubled
- Screengrab feature improved
- Mission 8 shutdown glitch fixed
- Fixed control mapping bug on options screen
- Update feature fixed
- X-Bomber turret logic improved
- Added more character dialogue
- Mission 08 volcanoes improved | v0.83e |
129 MB |
2014.07.23 | |
Dai-X Weapons
- Split into primary and secondary categories, giving you more control over what to fire and when:
- Primary: Pulse guns, Lasers, Special (Fire: Z, Select: Shift)
- Secondary: Mega missiles, X-Tracer, Micro missiles (Fire: X, Select: Ctrl)
- Heads-up-display expanded accordingly
- Dai-X secondary weapons; esp. X-Tracer, improved
- Dai-X Fighter shields improved
- X-Bomber blocking shield added - Press C to activate.
- Asteroid spawn logic improved - increases randomisation of asteroid fields
- Energy swarm (in Missions 7 and 10) improved - makes both levels fairer
- Players' guided missile / homing laser logic updated
- EDF Astrofighter firing-points updated
- Heat haze effect and linear shadows improved for Mission 10
- Muzzle flashes for Dai-X pulse gun improved, CIWS-fire alpha-blend randomised
- In-game Dialogue 2 - Cleverer crew with more helpful things to say
- Power transfer logic improved
- Rotator SpreadGun and Dai-X Fighter special weapon logic simplified
- Object-selection glitch on Hive Runner laser torpedo launcher fixed
| v0.83d |
132 MB |
2014.06.29 | |
Overlay 2
- improves lightning effect
- Provides 'Night mode' feature, which activates 25% of the time on planetary missions.
High score screen improved and simplified
- Uploading high score names with spaces is now supported.
- Mouse selection for uploading high scores
- PPA's Mission 07 dialogue from earlier versions recovered
- LegTrax afterburner fixed
- Hotkey access (keys 1-7) added to menu | v0.83c |
129 MB |
2014.05.07 | |
- Hive Runner Carrier and Striker Astrofighter - (designed by Brad Smith)
(Spawn probability is double the final, intended level so that players come across the Hive Runners more easily).
- Game creates screenshots of itself at random intervals, converts them into JPG format and displays these in the Mission Select Menu to give a preview of each mission.
- 'fix' to circumvent Apache server firewall for uploading scores to website
- A few small bugs fixed, including 'x^y' ammo-display glitch on ADEN cannon
- Enemy Spread-bomb sprite and post-processing improved
- Environment clouds in a range of missions improved
- X-Bomber bullets improved
- Foliage added to Mission 08
- Restriction placed on use of Skull player ship's Azuris mode; allows only sparing use of Azuris in earlier missions | v0.83b |
124 MB |
2014.04.12 | |
- Explosion animations greatly expanded and improved
- Space Environment System - Randomly creates and processes environment objects in space missions.
| v0.83a |
108 MB |
2014.02.08 | |
Soft Shadows 2
- Variable altitude
- Ground objects cast shadows on terrain
- Unified group
Damage Indication 2
- Simplified with unified group
Graphics and User Interface
- Shield bubble and Enemy lightning weapon sprites improved
- Options Menu: Keyboard Mapping and layout improved
- Mission 08 Boss: Logic, object-management and graphics improved
- Enemy guided missiles merged and improved
- Mission 03 and 09: Minor improvements | v0.83 |
113 MB |
2013.10.30 | |
Unity Engine - Unifies all 17 Mission modules into a single, reorganised, dynamic module
Dynamic Damage Indication with 50%, 75% (and 90% for bosses) steps 05.30
- Dai-X Fighter Shields: Flash green on impact, Shield bubble appears when invincible 03.07
- Preference-loading at mission start improved 03.07
- Power transfer and shield logic improved - applies to all ships 03.15
- Mission frame totally rebuilt at object/event-level in new MMF2 application 07.13
- X-Bomber Specials: Positron Blaster (replaces Converging Laser Torpedoes in Chapter III) 01.23 and Laser Sabre prototype 01.13
- Dai-X Fighter Specials: Power levels and functions comprehensively revised 08.18
- Booster/THOR Special Weapons Powerup changed from Black to Lime 02.15
- Dai-X Fighters: Rear-firing weapons added 04.28 and LegTrax weapons improved
- Full-screen damage glow
- New Shield bubbles 06.07
- Asteroid speed randomised 05.30
- Dai-X Junction and Fighter-switching improved and simplified 04.21
- Fixed bugs in Player Ship Power Management and Dai-X Fighter Weapons 03.19
- Dai-X Fighters: Afterburners added 03.07, Shields revised (filter damage and recharge over time) 05.10
- Missions 02, 03, 04, 07, 09 and 10 substantially improved, re: object consolidation and environment graphics
User Interface
- Options Menu extensively revised: Scrolling improved 04.16 and draggable volume controls 04.28
- Fixed glitch with resuming Mission after displaying High Scores Menu.
- Scores displayed by default in In-Game menu 04.16
- "Check for Updates" moved from the Options to Main Menu - (Click the version number at lower-right).
- Fixed keyboard-control glitch in Missions and Scores Menus.
- Documentation comprehensively upgraded 06.07
- Updater downloads newer versions automatically. 09.26 |
v0.81 and v0.82
In these versions, WingBlade and The Skull were made available as player ships, throughout the game.
A completely new menu system was introduced, along with a number of new features, as well as graphical and performance improvements.
v0.82a |
107 MB |
2013.01.02 | |

- In-Game Menu Resume feature improved
- Graphics, including improved DeathBall flamethrower and electroshock
- LegTrax Special Weapon improved
- The Skull Player Ship asset-handling improved 12.14
- Alliance Fighter and Carrier logic improved so that they can attack Player from bottom of screen
| v0.82 |
107 MB |
2012.12.06 | |
User Interface
- Completely new, modular Menu System; XBMS v2.0
- Embedded fonts improved 04.05
- Mountain engine rendering improved 03.10
- Difficulty levels revised from 5 to 3 11.21
- F-01/Lamia effect balanced; becomes more powerful as game progresses 03.10
- Mission 16 mid-way Boss Preview - Death-X - Variable Type 05.13 | v0.81 |
117 MB |
2012.03.04 | |

WingBlade and The Skull Player Ships 11.13 available in all levels via upgraded Mission Selector 11.01
- New WingBlade Weapons: Beam cannons, Deflector shield (Hold C), Rear-firing guns, Guided and plasma missiles 10.04
- Added in-flight and docking animations to WingBlade 11.13
F-01 System - Destroy 1,000 enemies and F-01 (Lamia) from the show will help you out if you hold "Airstrike" (default: A) for 1 second. 10.08
Music Indexing - Game scans for audio files in the "/mp3" folder and plays them in-game.01.17
Performance and Stability Optimisation
- Rebuilt all Mission and Briefing frames 12.26 � boosts performance and clears 'ghost' and other objects 12.14
- Improved smoke/vapour trail and dust performance 11.21
- Extensive object consolidation, Fixes for a few tricky problems
- Dynamic soft-shadow engine 12.02
- Random, parallaxing mountain engine 02.07
- New craters
- Randomising Nebula object, used in Mission 14 10.08
- lots of updated sprites (w/ alpha-channels) and tweaks 08.30
- New Blender logo by Felice 10.04
- Added heat haze to M10 and waves to M09 water 06.29
- Plasma Bomb shots changed from yellow to green 11.13
Enemy and Hazards
- Unified Attack Cruiser with updated animations and dynamic damage indication 10.14, Improved DeathBall, Improved Asteroid logic 11.01
- Space Fortress laser battery 06.29
User Interface
- HUD Damage gauges stick to multiple enemies 12.02
- Training mission instructions reflect assigned keys, not defaults 07.05
- Embedded fonts improved and fully tested
- Mission Briefing graphics revised 01.17
'Player invincibility bug' linked to Fighter Special Weapon level fixed 11.13
Mission 16 Preview expanded With midway-boss preview 01.16 |
Chapter 3 Development Phase
These are versions where missions 11-15 were added.
A lot of optimisation and internal re-organisation was done, along with a number of graphical improvements.
v0.8 |
93.8 MB |
2011.06.10 | |

Mission 14: The Last Stand - Complete with Boss and Mission 16 Preview, including ...
- Death-X - Remote Weapons Type Boss 04.30
- Imperial fortress exterior defences 02.13
F-01 System Prototype - Mission 14-only 04.30
Aggressive Optimisation
- New Particle, Dust, Fire, Smoke/vapour trail systems 04.30
- Star Field unified to a single object 02.16
- Napalm damage effect supports enemies centred on action point
Napalm Cannon 02.15 and M10 Boss improved 02.16
Dai-X Special Weapon: DRAGOON Pack - logic improved 04.15
Laser and bullet re-spriting
- WingBlade wing machine guns, GunBoy homing lasers re-sprited
- Buster Cannon and Booster Pack adjusted and improved
- New weapons impact particles; especially for Booster/THOR. 04.15
- Smooth blending for beam-weapon segments
- Laser sights colour-coded to friend/foe (green/red) and improved 02.15
- Bullet collision animations improved
Updated Soundtrack, Sound-panning fixed.
Enemies and Assets Unified and Improved
- Cargo Train 03.20
- Alliance Astrofighters and Dynamic Carriers 03.02
- Power-Ups, Asteroids, Drones, many ground vehicles 04.30
- Craters, Clouds, Planetary Missions, Enemy weapons 04.06
- Level Reset and Mission Complete glitches
- smoke glitch at window corner 02.16
- Ally missiles no longer seek enemies when none present
- Enemy-destruct event ordering 02.16
User Interface
- Gold Lucida Console replaces yellow Verdana 04.06
- New HUD/Instruments 04.05
- High Score Menu can upload previously-saved scores 03.02
- New Display Options: particle trail length, v-sync, full-screen toggle 03.21
| v0.79 |
49.7 MB |
2011.02.05 | |
Mission 14: The Last Stand Preview - Minus Boss
- 'Missile Train' and Defence Platforms 11.30
- Heavy Bomber and Attack Cruiser (Blue) 12.15
Special Weapons
- Dai-X: Buster Cannon 10.04
- X-Bomber Special Weapons 12.31 and Dai-X: 01.31 Boosters
- Improved Dai-X DRAGOON Pack logic 09.23
- Consolidation of allied craft, enemy bullets, target markers 08.20 escape pods, laser sights 09.20
- Sound system reworked 11.25
- Improved enemies and allies, including Unified Alliance Astrofighter 10.13 and new AI
- X-Bomber Rear Lasers fire automatically when enemy detected behind ship 01.23
- Some Missions updated to work with new engine changes; especially Mission 00 10.04
- Airstrike system streamlined and integrated into engine 08.20
- Player mission and config data stored in unified database 08.20
- Smoke and radiation clouds improved with Photoshop, alpha channel+blend and randomisation 12.31
- Improved explosion debris 12.29
- New explosion animations and variable transparency 01.23
- GunBoy animations upgraded. 08.20
- Shockwaves added to large explosions, Special Weapon Powerup upgraded 09.20
- WingBlade Lightning sprites upgraded 09.23
HUD / User Interface:
- Notification object handles all "Game Paused", "Game Over" overlay messages
- Special Weapon Indicator and Ammo Counter colour-coded to Weapon 09.20
- User interface improvements, including menus and in-game notifications 08.20
Extensively 3rd-party tested under Win 7 x64 | v0.76 |
46.1 MB |
2010.07.25 | |
Mission 13: Outpost and Mission 15: Battle Cruiser including ...
- Death-X - Space Type Boss
- 'Protect the base' Mission objective
- Time-limited 'full-screen' Boss with destructible individual shield generators
X-Bomber Special Weapon 8: GunBoys 03.14
- New impact and fire particles, new effects on explosions, X-Impulse, shields and Dai-X Black Hole Weapon
- Weapons improved with muzzle flashes, smoother bullets etc. 05.02
- Dai-X (Combined / Fighter) and WingBlade bullets condensed into fewer objects
- Vapour trails and Plasma Cannon weapon made more efficient 03.11
- Special Weapon ammo-handling streamlined 03.14
- Performance issue with explosion shrapnel fixed 04.15
Options Menu
- Missile Trail Length (1 - 100) and Debris Particle Limit (0 - 10,000) options
- Code cleanup.
- Key Assigning accessible by mouse 07.24 | v0.68 |
50.4 MB |
2010.02.27 | |
Mission 12: The Cloud
- Colour-randomising nebula environment 12.04
- New, non-Alliance enemies
- Multi-segment, multi-stage, transforming robot Boss 02.10
- Dai-X system improved
- Lock-on boxes unified 02.10 plus lots of optimisations and fixes
- Player Ships repair and reload slowly when not in use. New read-out displays repair status and hides when repairs complete. - Press D to cycle; Auto | Show | Hide
- Typewriter effect and other touches added to Briefings | v0.64 |
48.2 MB |
2010.01.01 | |
Mission 11: Icy Reception 12.04 including ...
- 2-phase (arctic and underwater) scrolling planetary environment
- Dynamically-generated ice canyon 09.05
- New enemies including Snow Crawler, GoalKeeper AstroFighter and HoverFly 09.08
- New underwater enemies and Death-X - Deep-submergence Type Boss 10.25
- Improved graphics and logic for explosions and smoke trails
- Vapour trails improved with Photoshop, alpha-channel, fading and randomisation 12.05
- Dual-layer, scrolling space backdrops and denser, randomising starfield 12.21
- New backgrounds and upgraded Mission 03 environment 12.04
- Camera Shake
- Player and Ally collision code and Player collision masks unified
- New, more realistic Player shield logic
- New Dai-X Fighter AI movement uses fewer objects 12.03
- Background scrolling logic improved
- Background textures stored externally to reduce executable filesize 10.08
- Clickteam's Hardware Acceleration (Final)
- Mission 10 performance optimised 09.05
User Interface
- Improved Menu System with 2 performance/effects options
- Game prompts to save High Score on exit.
Weapons - New set of weapons for X-Bomber (features all weapons shown in Star Fleet) |
Chapter 2 Development Phase
These are versions where missions 6-10 were added, along with the WingBlade player ship.
v0.6 |
38.6 MB |
2009.09.26 | |
Missions 09: Sanctuary and 10: Into the Fire
- WingBlade Player Ship available in Mission 09
- Online High Score filter-by-user improved 07.15
- Engine made much more stable with several major improvements
- Return to the Main Menu during play with CheckPoint / Auto-Save System and other revisions to Menu
- Explosion frag bug fixed, rebalanced as appropriate | v0.52 |
31.4 MB |
2009.06.19 | |
Mission 08: EDF Vesuvia including ...
- Volcanic planetary environment
- New Alliance enemies, including DeathBall II 04.11 and 'AstroWing' separating AstroFighter
- Captured EDF vehicles, including Astrofighters, Destroyer 04.11, T901 'Rhino' MBT, Bradbury MLRS,
- Reprogrammed EDF 'Mammoth' Mobile Fortress / Land Battleship Boss
- Further enemies, including hovercraft, missile batteries and drop-pods
- Graphics, Engine, Weapons, Gameplay and Menus improved
- Updater and Online High Score systems rebuilt 06.06
- Latest Clickteam Hardware Acceleration Beta | v0.48 |
14.3 MB |
2009.04.03 | |
Missions 06: Smoke and Mirrors and 07: Sargasso, including ...
- FG Device 11.27 and Ultra-heavy Bomber 01.21 Bosses
- 2-Player available in missions 01 - 07
- End-of-chapter cut-scene
- Weapons updated, including charge particle effect for Scalar Mass Driver
User Interface
- Dynamic Crew Chatter
- New startup screen
- Mission 5 briefing images added
- Online High Scores filterable by player 03.01
- Hardware Acceleration with Windowed and Full-Screen w/ FSAA modes - Click "Maximise" to access full screen
- ADEN Cannon fire collision detection improved
- General improvements and fixes
- Tested on Windows XP, Vista and 7 |
Chapter 1 Development Phase
These are versions where missions 2-5 were added, along with the training mission.
A number of major improvements were made to the engine.
v0.4 |
12.3 MB |
2008.11.04 | |
Mission 05: Transport Fleet, including ...
- Prototype Co-operative 2-Player
- Checkpoint
- Death-X Combining Type Boss 10.01
- New Alliance Cargo Ships 01.20
Prototype Secret Mission with 'Original X-Bomber' set in Earth's solar system, follows Mission 05 03.15
- First version with MMF2's Beta DirectX 9 Hardware Acceleration with 'Semi-Full Screen' 09.17
- 360� fast bullets and smooth missile turns 09.17
- Stability fixes, File system re-organised, Gameplay improved 02.07 Rebalanced 01.20
- Fairer ship-ship collisions, Reduced Boss aggression (M1, 3 and 4) 12.16
- Extensive testing on a wide range of hardware and OSes, including Windows 7, by Mantice, Matt Darcy and LafOutLoud 11.16
New X-Bomber Special Weapons
- Scalar Mass Driver
- EM. Napalm
- Converging Laser Torpedo 12.16
New Dai-X Special Weapons
- Dragoon Pack
- Plasma Bombs 01.05
- Black Hole Bomb 06.09
| v0.37 |
12.3 MB |
2007.10.28 | |
Performance lag, particularly affecting Mission 3, when run on single-core CPU systems, resolved 10.26
- Issue related to runtime differences between MMF1.5 and MMF2 relating to overlay object
- Thanks to Clickteam's Francois Lionet for finding the issue | v0.36 |
11.9 MB |
2007.10.18 | |
This version was known as v0.4 beta at the time.
- Internal beta for v0.37 - no installer - contains config and save files for access to all levels
- Press [T] in most levels to skip to Boss
- Thanks to the testers; Nyxs, LafOutLoud and Peter (@
Mission 04: Minefield and Briefing 10.19
- First version compiled under Multimedia Fusion 2
- Performance: Application fully-rebuilt from object and event level
- Mission 00 re-assembled, High Scores Menu rebuilt to remove corrupt string 10.09
- Hundreds of fixes, improvements and performance optimisations
User Interface
- No 'mouse grab' in Menus 05.24
- Menu systems updated 10.19
- Sound Effects Improvements
- 32-Channel Sound Mixing
- Internal Volume control
- Online High Scores 05.24
- Documentation updated 10.09
Beam weapons collision effects fixed 10.19 | v0.34 |
6.18 MB |
2007.03.14 | |
Mission 03: Simetra VI
- DeathBall and Attack Carrier enemies 10.24
- Rain, clouds, variable fog and lighting, scrolling terrain 12.08
New Modular Engine with several fixes 02.24
Collision Detection
- Hit-point system for Fighters and Dai-X
- Collision detection for individual bullets 12.08
- Collision logic comprehensively revised 11.21
- Dai-X Fighter weapons simplified
- Dai-X shield upgraded 11.21 and operable simultaneously with weapons 10.24
- Many weapons upgraded and balanced.
- Power-up functions revised
- Smoother beam collisions
- New shield sprites etc.
- HUD updated
- Options and User Interface updated 12.08
- Fixed issues with Dai-X System and HUD, relating to display resolution change 09.20-29
- Sound improved 03.10
- Documentation updated 10.24 | v0.31 |
5.20 MB |
2006.09.20 | |
Display Resolution change from 1024x768 to 800x600 08.29
- Briefing redesigned accordingly
Dai-X Weapons
- Vulcan guns added - Fill ammo gauge to use.
- Homing Laser guidance improved
- Improvements to engine, missions and UI
- Fixed all bugs reported in v0.3 08.12 | v0.3 |
10.0 MB |
2006.08.02 | |
Mission 00: Training and Mission 02: Asteroid Field including:
- Crawler Tank Boss 02.13
- New Space Pirate and Alliance ships with new features and weapons
- New hazards
- Simetra Defence Directorate Airstrike 01.10
Special Weapons
- Plasma Cannons (X-Bomber)
- Homing Lasers (Dai-X) 01.10
- Moving full-screen backgrounds and HUD hazard indicators for training mission 06.01
- Dai-X shield animated02.02
- Fix for option- and mission-saving 02.13
- All reported issues from v0.2 fixed 01.10
- Variable-handling issues fixed 01.30
- Sound issues fixed, including mixing issue relating to in-game menu 01.30
- Start-up audio plays only when MIDI enabled in Options.02.02
- Airstrike indicator locks to HUD position.
- Balancing 01.30
- Revisions to Dai-X Fighter Upgrade Weapon, Mega-Bomb and Hyper-jump systems 02.02 |
Test Versions
These are early prototype versions designed to test the basic gameplay mechanics and features.
v0.2 Beta |
7.74 MB |
2005.12.06 | |
- Airstrike - Press A to activate. 01.08
- Hyperjump feature for Dai-X Fighters 01.18
Augmentative X-Impulse
- 3 X-Impulse Power-Ups combine into more powerful X-Impulse Blasts.
- 10x Power-Ups combine into Super X-Impulse blast.
- Press X to fire.01.05
- Fully-customisable controls
- Player data stored in one database, rather than separate .INI files
- Improvements to ship mouse control, engine and audio 04.13
- Engine optimisation
User Interface
- In-Game Menu v2 01.18
- Start-up self-test and Menu upgrades 02.01
- Opening Cutscene 01.30
- Options Menu redesigned 01.30 | v0.1 Alpha |
6.64 MB |
2004.11.24 | |
Mission 01: Recon. Fleet with new enemies, including Alliance Recon cruiser and Attacker 09.27
Dai-X System (begun 2004.08) - Press Tab to access. 10.05
- First 3 special weapons for X-Bomber (Press 1-3 to access) 07.07:
. ADEN cannons
. Homing missiles
. Rotator spreadgun
- New weapons 04.28:
. Heavy pulse guns
. Rear lasers
. Main lasers (Press Z and X together to access main laser mode)
- X-Bomber turrets: auto-aim improved with target-leading 11.08, mouse-aim added 07.07
- Enemy count doubled and enemy aggression and weapons power increased
- Ship-to-ship collisions with collision physics
- 10-second invincibility/afterburner Effects when shield/weapons gauges full 04.28
- Splash damage, debris and particles added to explosions 05.06
- Balancing:
. Shields 100 => 500
. Weapons 1000 => 2000
. Armour 50 => 200
- X-Bomber�s movement becomes sluggish and smoke is released from engines when Armour < 25% 05.06
- Boss weapons expanded with homing missiles 05.12
- Status messages and character dialogue
- Translucent status bars with percentages
- Distance and frame-rate indicators 04.28
- Randomising 4-level star-field 04.28
- X-Bomber ship sprite updated 05.12
Menu System
- Remembers all preferences and mission reached in database
- Mouse control in all menus
- New intro, cut-scenes and briefing
- 3D starfield improved 04.28
- Menu appearance upgraded
- In-game menu with volume controls06.25
- High Score Menu improved 07.07
- Dedicated X-Impulse trigger; X
- All ship functions operable via 8-button joystick/game controller 04.28
- Mouse control for player movement and weapons firing 06.25
- Windows XP compatibility upgrade 07.07
- External file structure for MIDI files and sub-apps - fixes stutter on music change 09.12
- Music change 09.16
- Upgraded sound (rear and main lasers, enemy weapons) 05.12
Versions not listed for download
Recent version downloads have become quite large and so only some past versions of the game are available to download.
This is to streamline the process of backing up the site locally.
Let me know if you'd like a version that isn't available, or any of the game's source, graphics etc. and I'll make sure that you get them.
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