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« Other / TV Shows - Zentrix

Zentrix is a great show, made by a Chinese studio in an anime style.
The story is a bit like Terminator; a princess goes back in time to prevent a supercomputer and its giant robots from taking over a fantasy world.

The animation quality is astonishing, given that it was originally released in China in 2002. It hasn't aged.

For a family show, it has amazing robots, amazing fighting and is a very action-packed, exciting and very cool sci-fi series.
The only thing is that voice acting in the English-language dub of the show is a bit tiresome.
I wonder whether watching a Japanese or Chinese dub with subtitles might be an improvement.

The show had a great website with lots of images and renderings of the characters and robots but that was closed down long ago.
About the only thing left is a blog created by the show's very talented character designer; Felix Ip:
	felixip @ Zentrix

All screenshots of the show have just been re-done as PNG to improve the image fidelity.

Folders 24

Bandai Website

Fan Artwork

France - Disc 1
France - Disc 2
France - Disc 3
France - Disc 4
France - More images

Japan - Disc 1
Japan - Disc 2
Japan - Disc 3
Japan - Disc 4
Japan - Disc 5
Japan - Disc 6
Japan - More images

Production Materials

Promotional Materials

US - Volume 1 - Disc 1
US - Volume 1 - Disc 2
US - Volume 1 - Disc 3
US - Volume 2 - Disc 1
US - Volume 2 - Disc 2
US - Volume 2 - Disc 3


Zeus Action Figure


7 items show / hide Details 
English - Credits - Vol 1-1
English - Credits - Vol 1-2
English - Credits - Vol 2-1
English - Menu - Vol 1-1
English - Menu - Vol 1-2
English - Menu - Vol 2-1

Directory contents last updated: 2024.09.30


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