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« TV Shows - Thunder in Paradise / Thunder Boat Guide


6-barrel rotary cannon
  • Probably an M134, turret mounted, usually housed in the port weapons compartment
  • Used for shooting down incoming missiles, destroying smaller vessels and firing warning shots (Endangered Species)
  • Has a supply of 2,750 rounds, automatic stabilisation and individual temperature monitoring for each barrel
6-tube missile launcher
  • Fires a range of guided missiles including Maverick, M-426 and non-lethal types (Strange Bru)
    Lethal and non-lethal missile types are identified by red and white noses respectively, visible in the launcher.
  • Can also fire a harpoon; useful for prison breaks (Identity Crisis)
  • Normally stored in starboard compartment
  • Reloads automatically, allowing it to fire far more than 6 missiles in rapid succession (Nature of the Beast)
Laser Prism
  • Fires a red beam and is used to disable, destroy or deter smaller vessels (Distant Sound of Thunder, Endangered Species) as well as aerial targets such as helicopters (Changing of the Guard).
  • The weapon can also emit a green beam, capable of disrupting certain materials; disintegrating a boat with a graphite hull. (Identity Crisis)
Torpedo Launchers
Although never used in an episode, shots of Thunder's weapons control GUI show that the boat has 4 torpedo launchers.


Scarab Shell
Even with the scarab shell retracted, the boat can withstand prolonged exposure to small arms and mounted weapons fire; up-to-and-including 50 calibre.
The scarab shell extends over the back of the boat, increasing the boat's protection even further.
It is also referred to as the stealth shell since its deployment renders the boat undetectable by radar.

Stealth Mode
A blue glow sweeps over the hull from bow to stern when either ECM or adaptive camouflage are activated.

The hull also can be electrified. This is highly effective in preventing enemies from boarding. This feature can either be triggered by the onboard computer when intruders are detected onboard, or it can be activated manually by remote. (Thunder in Paradise; Part 2, Identity Crisis)

The hydra-thrust booster engine extends from the underside of the boat, allowing it to travel at over 400mph. The booster also allows the boat to jump at least several metres out of the water. (Distant Sound of Thunder)
The appearance of the booster module changes in the above episode.

Hydra-thrust also comes in useful for vapourising enemies under the boat. (Nature of the Beast)

Oil Slick Dispenser
The oil trail can be ignited to deter pursuers. (Deadly Lessons; Part 1)

Shield Bubble
In the last episode, Thunder projects an emerald-shaped shield bubble that is capable of withstanding several missile hits but is progressively weakened by the impacts. If the shield is weakened on one side of the boat it can be recovered by keeping that side out of harm's way. (The Major and the Minor)

Also used in the last episode; the Q-Bomb appears to be an EMP-like weapon that projects a yellow shockwave that radiates out from the boat. It is not apparent whether it is a single-use weapon but one discharge destroys a large number of incoming missiles simultaneously. (The Major and the Minor)

Submersible Mode
Bru reveals that he is working on making Thunder able to operate underwater. (Blast Off)

Support Craft

Thunder carries at least one Waverider jetski that is launched from the back of the boat.
The Waverider can be remotely piloted via Thunder's onboard computer by assigning it map coordinates.

Thunder also carries the GATOR (Ground Attack Tactical Observation Robot) drone (aka. Thunder drone) that is lifted up on-deck through the starboard weapons hatch and rocket-propelled onto land. GATOR is a buggy that can be steered remotely by use of an onboard camera. It is equipped with a grenade launcher that can fire several stun grenades without needing resupply. (Gettysburg Change of Address)


Weapons Locker
The upper compartment contains submachineguns and handguns. The lower compartment contains larger weapons such as the M16 used in Nature Of The Beast.

Dive chamber
Provides ingress/egress from underneath the boat and doubles as brig (Deadly Lessons; Parts 1 & 2)


The prototype version of Thunder that features in the episode Eye for An Eye pilot episode (aired as episode 15; out-of-sequence with the other episodes), has a number of differences.

Visually, it is missing the cool 'spoiler/rollbar' when the scarab shell is retracted, the shape of the windscreen is different and boat looks overall less streamlined and futuristic.
The missile launcher and gatling gun look different when deployed, with the missile launcher being longer while the minigun has an enclosure around it.
Also, the minigun and missile launcher are swapped around, with the rocket launcher on the portside and minigun on the starboard.
The boat has a small radar dish, near the cabin on the portside that lifts up to receive satellite telemetry. This antenna is presumably internal in the finished version.

Philips CD-i Game

The double episode: The Major and the Minor, which is the series' finale, was filmed with the intent that the story and footage could also serve as the basis for an interactive FMV video game. The majority of the game is a Time Crisis-style first-person shooter, but at the beginning of the game, the player controls the boat. The game also provides a good deal of technical data about Thunder's weapons and enemies, via an interactive GUI that mimics the boat's user interfaces seen in the show.

The boat in the game seems to be slightly upgraded from how it appears in the show and has four weapon and defensive systems:

Electro-Pulse Cannon
The vulcan cannon that serves as Thunder's mainstay weapon in the show is replaced with a double-barrelled pulse cannon, whose power or ammunition, slowly regenerates.
The weapon can fire 36 double shots without recharge/cooldown and the rebuild rate is approximately 1 shot per second.
The effective range of the weapon is an impressive 100 miles.

This weapon appears to be a combination of the vulcan and the laser prism (referred to as the pulse cannon in the double-parter finale episode).
Both weapons are used in the final episode, as only the laser prism is able to shoot down certain missile types.
It would make sense that the pulse cannon incorporates the advantages of both weapons.

The EPC is be mounted along the centre-line of the boat, perhaps slightly ahead of where the laser prism is/was located.

Long Range Missiles
The missile launchers in the game are depicted in the game's GUI as being located on either side of the boat, towards the rear, where the boat's intake vents are located.
Functionally, they are much the same as the six-tube launcher in the show.

The boat can fire 18 missiles in the course of a battle. The weapons have a range of 300 miles.

The Q-Bomb works in just the same way as in the show, except that, unlike in the episode, it is made clear that it can be fired 6 times per battle: if-needs-be, in quick succession.
The weapon destroys all enemies within a 100-mile radius and cannot recharge.

The Q-Bomb emitter is shown as a saucer-shaped apparatus, located near the stern.

Shield The shield works in just the same way as it does in the episode

Directory contents last updated: 2024.01.20


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