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2025.01.07  48 0 comments  » Start a forum discussion.
You might perhaps have noticed a few small changes here and there around the site.
After so many years, there are a lot of things about the site that are in the state that they need to be kept in.
At the same time, there are a lot of improvements that the site could still really do with.

The news system, including its navigation has been improved a bit.
Among other things, some new queries were written to allow hopping between articles without needing to go back to the article list.

Behind the scenes, X-Bomber the Game is moving forward a fair bit.
The end-of-game reactor is coming along well.  All the bits that I anticipated to be a bit tricky are now finished and the remaining finishing touches and attacks should be more straightforward.

At the same time, I found a way around the odd polling that the Fusion runtime has for the pause/break key, which meant that the game wouldn't pause reliably when pressing pause/break.
It's quite a round-about fix but it works well.

I'm going to pull out of my to-do list what items will be worked on in v0.84l.
Hopefully, v0.84k will be ready before long.


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Star Fleet, X-Bomber et al. © Enoki Films.