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« Articles / Pumpkin Major Zero

2024.10.29  131 2 comments  » Start a forum discussion.

We don't normally do a lot around halloween in this house, but I did have the idea a number of years ago (when I was in a previous job, actually) to do a pumpkin zeroid.

I will say that I have never done a pumpkin lantern in my life, but this one has turned out OK and our daughter seems very happy with it.


Dr. Ben 2024.11.07 | 08:51

This is absolutely brilliant! My friend Connor Flanagan has done some Zeroid jack-o-lantern art himself but never seen one carved like this!!! Well done 😁

Crash 2024.11.07 | 21:08

Hi Doc!
Thanks very much for that, It's great to hear from you.

I was a bit surprised that, when I googled "pumpkin zeroid", absolutely nothing came up.
I guess too much time has passed since the show aired.
Maybe some got made, long before the internet. 😁

My daughter was quite upset when it went soft and disappeared (got thrown out), so my only way out of that was to promise to doing another one next year.
Perhaps we'll do Dix-Huit. 😀

I want to make it so the gun hatch can be opened and we can stick a pen light in there for the gun or something.
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