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👍 13 | 2024.09.27

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To try and make the site a bit more friendly, I got it to piggy-back the forum login cookies and look up usernames and avatar images (if people have them) in the database and display them on the front page.

The links page has been quite-a-bit re-worked and expanded.
You might find some interesting new things in there.

A few other commitments have broken my stride a bit but, I've been working on X-Bomber the Game earlier this week.
I'm trying to get this feature finished, which has been on my to-do list for a very long time.
The sprites are coming along quite well but are taking a little while to convert and improve them so that they'll look in-keeping in the game.
I doubt that it'll take much programming to get them working.


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This site and content is unofficial; © 2002-2024 Piers Bell and other authors.

Star Fleet, X-Bomber et al. © Enoki Films.