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Post by Rachel »

Well, if I were going to a desert island, and could only take one TV series with me, it would be Terrahawks. (Ideally, I would like to take at least 4 programmes, then I could also have Starfleet, Full House, and Cosby Show; but I can prioritise when I have to!) If I had been male, I would have the hots for all the girls in Starfleet, so I may well have chosen it over Terrahawks then. (As things are, I prefer Yung-Star.)T'birds is so devoid of cute little bouncing robots, I don't see how anyone can prefer it to T'hawks. In fact, the zeroids are the reason why a live T'hawks remake wouldn't work out at all; unless they got Windsor Davies and Ben Stevens back to do the voices, it wouldn't be the same! (A live Starfleet film could be good, as long as they got Miranda Richardson to play Makara; she would be magnificent in the role.) I'm glad Terrahawks wasn't made in the 60s, because Moya Griffiths was only a baby, and we would have been deprived of her singing-voice; I suspect Mr Stevens was still a schoolboy then, too.In my opinion, T'hawks was only too childish once: in Operation Zero, when the good guys swapped outfits, and voices, with the bad guys. That was plain silly! (I have no problem with people dissing the occasional episode.)
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Post by felice »

Or lesbian or bi, of course. Though back when I originally saw Star Fleet, I was too young for such thoughts and just wanted to _be_ Lamia. And get captured by Makara. Hmm... maybe not _that_ innocent in retrospect 8)I wonder if PPA was less annoying in japanese?Yes, Miranda might work as Makara... I haven't seen enough of her films to be sure, though.
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Post by Rachel »

Yes, I imagine Miranda could probably do the Makara voice quite accurately. I saw her as the stepmother in a film of Snow White (the actress who played the heroine looked like Bjork, but I don't know if it was her). MR's long red hair and villainous manner put me in mind of the Commander. A clever twist to the fairy-tale: in this version, to punish the Queen for her murderous jealousy, her beauty was taken away, and she was changed into a warty old hag with stringy grey hair!I have nothing against PPA, he just isn't in the same league as our favourite Sergeant Major or Space Sergeant. My brother watched Starfleet and Terrahawks every week, 20 years ago. But now he has no interest in either of the shows, and laughs at me for still being into them!
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Post by Huffy1968 »

Miranda Richardson? Yes, I can see that, good choice. Although whenever I see her on screen I am still reminded of Blackadder II's Queenie... Hard to believe that was 18 years ago as well...
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