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A question about LEGSTAR/LEGTRACK

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 10:21 am
by Bradster
Okay, I've watched and watched and watched and I just can not figure out how LegTracks "transforms" to and from the Dai X junction! BrainCom and MainBody are simple, but this one puzzles me.Okay, I know that somehow it hinges at the "knee" when changing. However, what I don't understand is where the "hip" of the Dai X goes (because it is clearly part of LegTrack).This is as far as I understand what happens:The feet curl in and the legs fold back... but where does that top bit fit into it all? Perhaps this is something amazingly simple that I'm just not seeing. On the other hand, could this be a bit of TV trickery and that it *doesn't* actually fit together?I ask because I am trying to make a realistic 3D model of the Dai-X. I would like everything to fit nicely so that I can animate the transformation to Dai-X junction. Until I can figure out how the upper part of LegTrack works, I'm at a standstill. Any ideas? Suggestions? Am I just being to picky with the details? :confused:

A question about LEGSTAR/LEGTRACK

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 10:34 am
by AndyThomas
Sorry about the size of the screen grab (I keep meaning to refresh some of these older images) but:The hip's definitely there in that one.  I think the way it works is, the hip locks up into the underbelly of LegTracks so it's not immediately obvious.  Have a look at Steve Kyte's rendition, I think you can see it in that:, Brad - is there anything you're not modelling at the moment?!  Although I'm going to complete my own X-B for the learning experience, yours is always going to look better and be more detailed I think everyone would agree, myself included.  I'm thinking of what else I'd need to actually do the original Genesis storyboards....  Imperial fighter carrier would be an obvious one, so I might put that on my "to do" list...Oh, and other thought - how are you going to deal with Dai X's fists appearing?! Only thing I can think of is a Transformers style arrangement where they just sort of "beam" in. Or perhas the engine exhaust could rotate into the arm and allow fists to come sliding out...

A question about LEGSTAR/LEGTRACK

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 8:30 pm
by Bradster
Excellent work, wolf2k2!! :cheesy:The toys. The toys! Of course, the answer is in the toys! I jumped over to Shane's Big Dai X site and looked up the images you described and you are exactly right. As seen in the instructions here and in the back picture of the toy here, it is clearly visible that the upper legs and and hip do fit *inside* the lower legs.While not exactly the best idea structurally, it does work to match the TV show close enough. After watching the tapes and taking snapshots, I had already decided it would be impossible without giant holes in the back and insides of the legs.Does something look odd about these pictures? Yes, the way it's done on TV *is* impossible. They fool us with a bit of camera trickery and never show the complete transformation.Well, I'll use this idea to try to design a slightly more realistic (and physically plausible!) approach.Thanks!(Edited by Bradster at 9:33 pm on Aug. 14, 2002)

A question about LEGSTAR/LEGTRACK

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 9:56 pm
by Shane
Yep wolf2k2 was right on the money, the DG BIG DAI X: Legtrack works much the same way as the model in the show.Here's a quick animation that may help visualise it: I can say about the Genesis project right now is WOW! Just how do I follow all this great work??? Shane.

A question about LEGSTAR/LEGTRACK

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 10:52 pm
by AndyThomas
Quote Quote: from Shane on 10:56 pm on Aug. 14, 2002All I can say about the Genesis project right now is WOW! Just how do I follow all this great work??? Shane.Simple enough. We create the models, you can animate them! Not that we actually seem to be working to a plan mind you, I'm just a learner me! That said, all those groovy Genesis storyboards you helped me with need are:a) X Bomber (2 to choose from now it seems!)b) Freighter as seen in series (looks pretty straightforward to do)c) Imperial Carriers (a lot less complex than the X Bomber, probably because more of them had to be made for the show)d) Imperial Fighters (already available in 2 flavours!)e) Dai X fighters (urm, see above apparenty!)f) Combined Dai X as an optional extraplus the odd asteroid, red planet, and gratuitous special effects which I have absolutely no clue how to achieve! Wahey!

A question about LEGSTAR/LEGTRACK

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 11:15 pm
by Bradster
I'm getting the hang of this... oh yes! I've been carefully readjusting parts of my LegTrack to accommodate for the upper legs and hip and *think* I have a good idea how it can all fit together. Here's a brief animation of how it looks now. The hip and upper leg pieces are just placeholders -- no need in adding detail until the basics are down! ... (185 KB)

A question about LEGSTAR/LEGTRACK

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 11:36 pm
by Bradster
Quote Quote: from Shane on 10:56 pm on Aug. 14, 2002All I can say about the Genesis project right now is WOW! Just how do I follow all this great work???Actually, you do have Poser, right? Well, while Andy and I are busy carving out these ship models, you could take a stab at recreating the Star Fleet characters. I saw that you'd already made some excellent progress with a termoid, Makara, and your Delta Z. And wasn't there a Lamia look-alike in your TROM teaser?To be honest, I have little talent when it comes to creating actual people in 3D. The extent of my character animation includes little things like this, this, and this. Of course, I don't have Poser or any sample models to work with; I have to build them from the ground-up in raw polygons.So, any character animation you could provide would be extra helpful!

A question about LEGSTAR/LEGTRACK

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 10:42 am
by Bradster
Okay, I have been utterly meticulous about making sure everything fits correctly on the model -- that every moving part actually has enough room to move without intersecting with another mesh. Believe me, this has been a some hard work! You should see all the sketches and calculations I've scribbled on this legal pad next to me. In retrospect, though, I suppose it wouldn't have really mattered if everything was a hodgepodge -- it's just that sometimes I can be a bit of a neurotic perfectionist! :biggrin:I'm satisfied enough with the LegTrack model to start on MainBody. There are still several details I really need to add later (like the guns and window on the feet), but this will certainly suffice for now.So, without further ado, here is the updated animation of the LegTrack transformation! ... (1.1 MB)

A question about LEGSTAR/LEGTRACK

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 11:36 am
by Chris Snape
I hate to throw a spanner in the works but what about the tracks that come out of the bottom of Legtrax during the Jupiter battle?