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👍 7672 | 2020.03.01

« Snub Pistol

I spent a slightly hair-raising few hours this week trying to bring Emilee; my triforce Gears of War pistol back to a more presentable condition after its accident in December.
I went at it with some model glue, the metallic t-cut for my Forester and a GM20 gundam oil marker.
It's not perfect because a lot of the cracks in the polystone were quite complex but it's a damn side sweeter than paying $2,000 (!!!) + shipping + duty for a mint boxed replacement.
2019.12.22 | 19:00:

My Gears of War snub pistol; Emilee (it had a name) somehow dropped off its shelf and landed on my desk this morning.
It is now in significantly-less-than mint condition and all the suppliers are dry on stock and I can't seem to find a replacement anywhere.
If anyone has any idea where I might dig up a mint boxed Triforce snub pistol, maybe you could shoot me a quick message.


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